Amazon Earnings Sucking This Month??? Mine Are...


An Inglorious Bastard
Jul 20, 2010
Dominican Republic
I'm just wondering if anyone else is getting screwed over this month with LOW CONVERSIONS on Amazon sales? For the past 16 months I've have stayed consistently around 1.5% conversions out of hundreds of clicks per day. This month all of a sudden I'm at 0.55% and I don't understand why. The numbers usually stay pretty consistent.

Anyone else seeing this for January?

Mine were down briefly right around Christmas and New Years. Last week they came back to normal levels and have stayed there.
that's like me saying "my dating conversion rate sucks in the morning"...of course it's gonna offers are mostly active in the evening/night. Plan your business accordingly.
I sell on Craigs list as well as being an Amazon affiliate. Not even a single bite on my CL items. After many years in retail, my experience says that it is a slump after holiday spending, which was up. The reason it was up, people were sick of being controlled by the economy for the holidays. But we are all paying now and spending is back down.
What kind of layout or sales funnel/process you're using to get such a low conversion?
It's January. When I used to work retail my boss always said that they add their December earnings with their January earnings and divide by two to get a better idea of how well January went.
Ahh, OK.
welcome to january after a "up" holiday season
Haa, yeah.

I always have a shitty January. It should be back to normal sometime soon.
For some reason I did really well last january, but yeah I suspect it will be back soon.

that's like me saying "my dating conversion rate sucks in the morning"...of course it's gonna offers are mostly active in the evening/night. Plan your business accordingly.
Business is already planned accordingly.

1.5% conversion? you need to fix yo pages!
Amazon is not the focus of my pages. Secondary monetization model and on some pages 3rd place.
my conv is almost 5%...4.92% exactly

i think amazon is easily one of the highest conv retail merchants, if not the highest around. shoppers trust them...a lot. plus they have good prices generally

if your conv sucks its on you - look at your traffic sources and buying keywords, the overall niche (are people pulling out their wallets), and your presale pages
Too bad they pay net 60 and if you have only check.... means you may see money after 4 monthes or even a lot.
my conv is almost 5%...4.92% exactly

i think amazon is easily one of the highest conv retail merchants, if not the highest around. shoppers trust them...a lot. plus they have good prices generally

if your conv sucks its on you - look at your traffic sources and buying keywords, the overall niche (are people pulling out their wallets), and your presale pages

I've been playing around with Amazon and I"ve found that, thus far, that my sales rate @ amazon itself is ~2.2 %, which I'm assuming is pretty low and about 1/4 people who visit the site click on to Amazon.

I have zero expeirence with Amazon, so I was wondering if these numbers are good or if I need to rewrite my copy / tweak the site / target better keywords.
I've been playing around with Amazon and I"ve found that, thus far, that my sales rate @ amazon itself is ~2.2 %, which I'm assuming is pretty low and about 1/4 people who visit the site click on to Amazon.

I have zero expeirence with Amazon, so I was wondering if these numbers are good or if I need to rewrite my copy / tweak the site / target better keywords.

all things being equal not all niches are the same, some will outperform others by a mile

but i think the best thing you can do is make sure youre ranking well for your buying and product kwys