Spoon Pics or it didn't happen.

Also, How do fix a SI join pain? It goes away and then comes back.

And when you say isomeric load for Elbows, do you mean like skull crusher? How about Neck?


stats on big three? i finally got to 1000 only a few weeks ago. Whats a good goal to aim for natty and ungeared?

I do still not know what natty means. Are the big three the powerlifts? The obsession with the bench is cute. Such a waste of time.


but i dont test for 1 rep max because Id rather not fuck joints up in exchange for having some vanity number tacked to my name. Those are in kg. pound is x2.2

Its good to aim for correct form. Or as high as you want them to be. Ive developed solid base strength and no intention to increase them by a lot.

Spoon Pics or it didn't happen.

Also, How do fix a SI join pain? It goes away and then comes back.

And when you say isomeric load for Elbows, do you mean like skull crusher? How about Neck?

I dont understand "how do fix SI join pain". Rephrase that. Ive never said isometric load for elbows. I prefer to work limb muscles with compound exercises. The real point of that post was about leverage, not the joint stuff.

Squat, Deadlift, Row, Bench, Press, Clean. Pick your poison.


do you even lift?


Of all the places you've traveled, which would you say is your favorite?

Whereever my girl is
Elbows, knees, lower back and neck are stable joints, the muscles that "move" them are trained by putting on isometric load.

I was referring to this.

I was typing too fast earlier.
I meant to ask, "How do I fix my SI Joint Pain"

A dull pain at the Sacroilliac Joint that I got from squatting and deadlifting too much too often.

The pain is not there all the time, but it comes back whenever I squat or Deadlift.

Doctor says rest. Since the pain is not very sharp and it does go away if I rest the hips for 3-4 days, he won't recommend steroids. Problem is it comes back whenever I squat.

It is a damn tricky Joint. Every deep Squatter shouldn't even warm-up without doing the Agile 8. I learnt it too late.
OH, so you only squat 130 kgs?

And, all this while I thought you must squat at least 200 KGs. How long have you been lifting?

I linear progressed all the way upto 122.5 KG on the SL 5X5 without stalling/deloading.
My deload at 122.5 was also because I had to go on a 10 day vacation.

And I still consider myself a rank N00b.

Also the cause of my SI joint problem is due to not properly stretching my hip flexor. Not proper warm-ups. I thought the warm ups sets were good enough for hip mobility. I wish I could go back in time




Form is everything. If you can't lift it whilst maintaining the correct form you should drop down a weight. I like to go for control too, so don't just swing your bicep curls down, control the path down. Works other parts of your bicep.
And, all this while I thought you must squat at least 200 KGs. How long have you been lifting?

Whats the point? 130 is plenty strength. As ive said, its not my goal to become the worlds strongest lifter. The time spent acquiring a 200kg squat id rather spend developing other skills.

A couple years. 6 maybe. On and off. I lift til Im happy about it. Then it drops off. Some day i figure out that my strength is dropping off so i go back to the gym. Ive got things to do with my life. Its not all computer and gym so that I can do pussy.

I linear progressed all the way upto 122.5 KG on the SL 5X5 without stalling/deloading.
My deload at 122.5 was also because I had to go on a 10 day vacation.

If thats true, its likely that your form sucks. People usually have to deload at around 90.

And I still consider myself a rank N00b.

K, want me to promote you to some other rank? Whats the point. I know things because I do science. Rarely has someone learned stuff about science by lifting 20kg more than his bro.

Also the cause of my SI joint problem is due to not properly stretching my hip flexor. Not proper warm-ups. I thought the warm ups sets were good enough for hip mobility. I wish I could go back in time

If the problem with your joint is some ligament acting up (thats what youre saying), all you need to do is rest it properly til it heals. Talk to a physiotherapist.
What is the best combination of offshore incorporation / bank jurisdiction for affiliate marketing that can be opened pretty fast and as easy as possible?
What is the best combination of offshore incorporation / bank jurisdiction for affiliate marketing that can be opened pretty fast and as easy as possible?

Depends on what youre trying to achieve. Privacy? Asset protection? Legal protection? Tax evasion? Assuming you just want to sling some berries: if an advertiser is prosecuted, hell rat you out if youre any big. If you live in the land of the free, no offshore structure can save your ass. An offshore LLC wont protect you from someone hauling your ass into jail. From what I hear, people who dont reveal the legal entities they might or might not own are just being thrown into jail because contempt of court.
lol @ people taking advice from a gay webmaster when it comes to training.

how about he shows us a picture of him shirtless (and holding a spoon) so we can judge his musculature first?
lol @ people taking advice from a gay webmaster when it comes to training.

how about he shows us a picture of him shirtless (and holding a spoon) so we can judge his musculature first?

How about i don't fancy you fapping to a picture of me
Depends on what youre trying to achieve. Privacy? Asset protection? Legal protection? Tax evasion? Assuming you just want to sling some berries: if an advertiser is prosecuted, hell rat you out if youre any big. If you live in the land of the free, no offshore structure can save your ass. An offshore LLC wont protect you from someone hauling your ass into jail. From what I hear, people who dont reveal the legal entities they might or might not own are just being thrown into jail because contempt of court.

Asset protection and taxes mostly.

And no, not in the land of the "free"
Asset protection and taxes mostly.

And no, not in the land of the "free"

Assuming you dont want to move, you cant really do anything about your taxes if you live anywhere in the european union or places with similarly "well" developed tax law. You can only conceal it and thats tax evasion.

If you want to move, and depending on the figures you actually make, PT, switzerland, montenegro, a couple caribbean states, uruguay, hongkong among others are all worth looking into.

Of the banking hubs switzerland, singapore and panama, you would most likely want to choose the one that is furthest away from your home country.

The lawyers I talk to agree on nevis LLCs for business and holding assets and panama corps to hold the LLCs. But generalities wont help you much with that and since you need those lawyers to get them properly set up, you should just talk to them.
Assuming you dont want to move, you cant really do anything about your taxes if you live anywhere in the european union or places with similarly "well" developed tax law. You can only conceal it and thats tax evasion.

If you want to move, and depending on the figures you actually make, PT, switzerland, montenegro, a couple caribbean states, uruguay, hongkong among others are all worth looking into.

Of the banking hubs switzerland, singapore and panama, you would most likely want to choose the one that is furthest away from your home country.

The lawyers I talk to agree on nevis LLCs for business and holding assets and panama corps to hold the LLCs. But generalities wont help you much with that and since you need those lawyers to get them properly set up, you should just talk to them.

I didn't find one service provider in this field, that could answer this question competently, especially considering they don't really understand aspects of affiliate marketing business.
This is why I asked you, as you seem to have lots of knowledge in this, and you are on affiliate marketing forum.

Thanks for the reply.
How do you avoid an uptight neck (tension) after overhead presses or shrugs? (asking fitness question on wf... nigga what). A few months ago I trained too heavy with shitty form, since then my neck is fucked up after like every workout for a few days..

You more than likely, did not fuck you your neck per the above message.

Watch this video - MobilityWOD | Jill Miller and Your Dys-Supple Neck

Kelly Starrett has fixed every hurting, sore, achy joint/muscle in my body and many other people that I know. Check out his site - MobilityWOD | All human beings should be able to perform basic maintenance on themselves.

Also, I'm guessing a lot of you may have arm/elbow pain from excessive Internetting, working out and masturbating (I did).

This shit is amazing, I use it all the time -
Assuming you dont want to move, you cant really do anything about your taxes if you live anywhere in the european union or places with similarly "well" developed tax law. You can only conceal it and thats tax evasion.

If you want to move, and depending on the figures you actually make, PT, switzerland, montenegro, a couple caribbean states, uruguay, hongkong among others are all worth looking into.

Of the banking hubs switzerland, singapore and panama, you would most likely want to choose the one that is furthest away from your home country.

The lawyers I talk to agree on nevis LLCs for business and holding assets and panama corps to hold the LLCs. But generalities wont help you much with that and since you need those lawyers to get them properly set up, you should just talk to them.

For legal (US and UK corps/citizens) the most popular zones for "neutralizing corp/trust taxed income liabilities" are:

Ireland/Isle of Man
Zug (Switzerland)
Cayman Islands (yes, regardless of the new pact)

If you're going to be evading on those taxes, on purpose, you're gonna get fucked so hard. So don't evade it, just pay it and let your offshore corp handle its intl revenue differently if you want.

It is not illegal to have these things set up as asset protection/safekeeping and diversified means of growing or safeguarding your assets and wealth. Its just illegal to not report it, misreport it and/or try to run and hide it.

There are a few really really solid corps/firms that handle this sorta stuff all day, every day, so let them handle it with your family firm, or if you're a medium level rich boy, your lawyer is fine too.