
I know you're a fitness guy, with working from home, I find the idea of setting up a small gym in my basement a really good idea. If you were to pick just a few machines, what would they be? Obviously a smith machine would be one of them, but what other two machines would you want to have in your "home" gym if you could only pick three?

I know you're a fitness guy, with working from home, I find the idea of setting up a small gym in my basement a really good idea. If you were to pick just a few machines, what would they be? Obviously a smith machine would be one of them, but what other two machines would you want to have in your "home" gym if you could only pick three?

Inb4 inb4.

Personally I would get 5 different ab machines, so that you can exercise all the different parts of your abs effectively.

OP: Who is your favourite WF member?

I know you're a fitness guy, with working from home, I find the idea of setting up a small gym in my basement a really good idea. If you were to pick just a few machines, what would they be? Obviously a smith machine would be one of them, but what other two machines would you want to have in your "home" gym if you could only pick three?

Get a power rack, an olympic barbell, an adjustable bench and a decent set of rubber plates. Ignore the rubber if youre intelligent enough not to drop them from height. Rubber plates are expensive.

A smith machine is a complete waste of money. I get that some people are too lazy to learn correct squat form, but without correct squat form, a smith machine squat is more dangeorus than a normal one, becuase with a normal one, you just fall over.

Thats really all you need. If you want more, get a decent sized kettlebell to do kettlebell swings on off days or a medicine ball. A pullup bar is nice if you care for your pullup stats.
Because abs have been called out:

The body has a couple joints. They alternate between mobility and stability.

Ankles and wrists, shoulders, hips and the upper back are mobile joints. The muscles that move them are trained by moving weight.

Elbows, knees, lower back and neck are stable joints, the muscles that "move" them are trained by putting on isometric load.

You need to think about abs and its antagonist, the lower back muscles, this way: If you hold 50kg above your head, and you can still stand up right, whats the load on the abs? Lets say the distance from the hips to the rib cage is about 1 third the distance compared to that from the hips to the extended arms. That means the force your abs work against is about 150kg. You might not be able to get the weight up there because you cant do the press, but if it was placed there, youd be able to hold it up for a while.

If you do a situp, or any kind of stupid ab machine, youre maybe moving your head up and down 5-10 inch. Thats about 1 tenth the resistance of the 50kg and the 50kg wasnt your "max" on the abs to begin with. Situps train your abs at ~1% of your 1 rep max. Good luck achieving anything doing that.

A decent abs exercise is the squat. Another decent abs exercise is the deadlift. If you squat 1 times your bodyweight, you will have abs.
How do you avoid an uptight neck (tension) after overhead presses or shrugs? (asking fitness question on wf... nigga what). A few months ago I trained too heavy with shitty form, since then my neck is fucked up after like every workout for a few days..
How do you avoid an uptight neck (tension) after overhead presses or shrugs? (asking fitness question on wf... nigga what). A few months ago I trained too heavy with shitty form, since then my neck is fucked up after like every workout for a few days..

Youve fucked your neck up. See a physiotherapist. Its important to actually do that. First its a muscle, then your joint fucks up. A muscle is just some physiotherapy. Repairing a joint takes >20k, cutting all the surrounding muscles up, severe atrophy and at least 6 months of recovery.

I avoid it by not using shitty form with heavy weights :p
what's your stance on steroid use?

Steroids are the therapy of choice for a variety of disorders. I have a problem with idiots injecting them directly into the muscle because thats not how it works.