Am I free to do this or will I regret it later?


The Freeway Killer
Mar 1, 2009
So I want to throw up a blog, but want to make sure I'm not going to be getting into any trouble for this later down the road.

I'd just like to tell my story about a crazy, conning bitch that I had the pleasure of dating over a short period of time. After she has shown me so much respect, I would also like others to know about her so they can maybe have the pleasure one day (sarcasm).

I have a picture that was taken with MY camera of both of us, so is it okay for me to use it on the blog since I own it and the picture was taken in public? Is it still okay if I blur out my own face?

Can I use her full name as the domain name?

Can I call her a whore/bitch/etc. in the post?

Oh a side note: The bitch has a lot of psycho marine friends, should I be worried about this if I publish the blog? She doesn't know where I live, but I have a pretty unique car, and she knows the area of town I live in. I just don't want to have to blow someone's face off that is trying to get to me in my house, it'd be a shame to have to replace my perfectly clean carpet.

There's no profit to be made in this situation, aside from some temporary satisfaction and then later regret.

Wait 2 months and then re-evaluate the situation, and ask yourself if you still have the motivation/desire to put the site up. If so, go ahead and then consider it. My 2c ;)
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So I want to throw up a blog, but want to make sure I'm not going to be getting into any trouble for this later down the road.

I'd just like to tell my story about a crazy, conning bitch that I had the pleasure of dating over a short period of time. After she has shown me so much respect, I would also like others to know about her so they can maybe have the pleasure one day (sarcasm).

I have a picture that was taken with MY camera of both of us, so is it okay for me to use it on the blog since I own it and the picture was taken in public? Is it still okay if I blur out my own face?

Can I use her full name as the domain name?

Can I call her a whore/bitch/etc. in the post?

Oh a side note: The bitch has a lot of psycho marine friends, should I be worried about this if I publish the blog? She doesn't know where I live, but I have a pretty unique car, and she knows the area of town I live in. I just don't want to have to blow someone's face off that is trying to get to me in my house, it'd be a shame to have to replace my perfectly clean carpet.

There's no profit to be made in this situation, aside from some temporary satisfaction and then later regret.

Wait 2 months and then re-evaluate the situation, and ask yourself if you still have the motivation/desire to put the site up. If so, go ahead and then consider it. My 2c ;)

I wanted to this for a former employer -- clueless bitches but like dreamache points out: there's no profit -- it's wasted energy. Now in my situation it would also be an exercise in local SEO so I might.

But in your case?

Try to let it go. I Know how a woman can get into your head (Boy Do I Fuckin Know!), and turn you around, but dude you'll be stronger in the long run by just forgetting it and moving on.

And if you can't; bang her mom instead, then email this chick the pics.

Your right, I do give a fuck about her. Just like a give a fuck about an experiment.

That's really all this was, a science project. When I first saw her, yeah I thought she was pretty hott. But after talking to her I didn't have much of an attraction to her. I found her to be very amusing though, so I just went along with it just to see just how bat shit crazy this girl was. It's actually a very entertaining story with some bizarre twists.

I mean I spent all the time and money collecting my data, shouldn't I publish it?
That's really all this was, a science project.

Science project... yea right... seriously man, stop wasting your fucking life on something like that.

Just get over it and move on.

Nobody gives a shit about your crazy bitch story. Join HBWA and be a real man.
You'll regret it later. Like others have said, move on and forget about the bitch.
Science project... yea right... seriously man, stop wasting your fucking life on something like that.

Just get over it and move on.

Nobody gives a shit about your crazy bitch story. Join HBWA and be a real man.

Was considering it, but heard hbwa has fleas.
Forget about it and move on. It's not even worth debating, nothing positive can come of it. Go fuck a whore or 2 and you'll feel better.
Either just post the story without the pics/names or post it it all, but if you're going to do that don't be a fucking coward by blurring out your own photo. Jesus.
Man that will fuck up your karma points, not every battle needs to be revenged.. Just let it go...