Am I Afraid to Lose Money?

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ist brüno
Jan 2, 2009
Your Mom's House
Hey WF gang,

I apologize in advance if this post pisses anyone off.

I signed up to wickedfire a few days ago and I'm a little stuck in my Affiliate Marketing "business" right now.

A Little Background:
Currently I do a little web design (I'm not the best but enough for ppl to pay me) and I have been around affiliate marketing for about 2 years now. I have NeverBlue and Azoogle accounts and, I believe, have a pretty solid foundation in affiliate marketing. So dont expect a whole lot of completely retarded questions from me.

We'll right now im stuck.
I tried free traffic methods, got like 3 sales, and decided I didn't like waiting to get my mediocre articles approved. I just dont have the patience for organic, I guess I like instant gratification ;).

Why I want to get good at PPC:

Because with PPC, once you start a solid campagin you can scale and track your revenue, not so much with organic methods. (I could be wrong)

My cry for help or advice:
What do I do? I have money to run PPC, and know enough about it.
Maybe I'm just afraid of losing money. I've run one adwords campaign with a landing page on a clickbank offer and lost about $50. (A while ago.
Sorry to some of you who are stick of seeing newbie bitch and moan.

I feel like I cant create a solid campaign for me to be convinced that will make money (possibly because I haven't done this before, legitimately). And therefore I'm afraid to set my budget for $100 for clicks I'm not even sure will even convert.
If anyone is willing to give me advice I would greatly appreciate it.
Can anyone give me a swift kick in the ass, and/or tell me what im doing wrong?

So, let me get this right; you want US to convince YOU why YOU should do something so you can make money? Are you a fucking moron?

Kill yourself immediately.
hahah no im not a moron, well maybe haha, i just need to figure out a solid gameplan to help me get on track. sorry if the post is confusing haha.
one site that has some decent info on it is i more or less used it for help on landing page design. but the only way to make monies with ppc is to test shit. find out what works for you. and yes with testing you will lose monies, but when you find a niche that works you can make it back. Budget, budget, budget. only do ppc if you have the funds to do it. or you will put yourself in the poorhouse. Oh and doing some SEO for the lander is a good idea, shoot for the top 10 (first page) if you have any questions PM me and ill do my best to help. Im in a good mood today, i leave for ASW friday
Fat Tom,

Thanks for your legitimate reply to my thread. Unfortunately for Brandon im still alive.
I do have money to lose (hate the way that sounds). How much do i need before i put myself in the poorhouse? lol
hahah no im not a moron, well maybe haha, i just need to figure out a solid gameplan to help me get on track. sorry if the post is confusing haha.

Your education will cost you money one way or another. Whether you piss it away in PPC or you pay for training. At least with PPC you can gather keyword data.

Yo ==> Get Over Your PPC Fear.. JUST DO IT 2008 FAQ.

But seriously, stop being a farking pu**y.

Just try something.

You have nothing to build on right now. You gotta start in order to get better.

Set a budget and see what happens.

You slang around spinning dicks like there's no tomorrow...but you refuse to type "fucking pussy"? Seriously?
Not even in double figures yet!!

I've seen more penises while reading this site than anywhere else.

haha well I am a NOOB.

Another thing, should I start with social media advertising (ie facebook) and then move into Google, Yahoo, and MSN?

There's not a whole lot of the nitty gritty keyword development with facebook.
Fat Tom,

Thanks for your legitimate reply to my thread. Unfortunately for Brandon im still alive.
I do have money to lose (hate the way that sounds). How much do i need before i put myself in the poorhouse? lol

when i started, i had a budget of $100 a day, and was not successful at all, and i had to pause all my campaigns. (Nintendo does not pay as good as you might think) redid almost everything, and had another go at it, and have been doing pretty well at it thus far. But i also had help the second time around. Just use money that you can 100% lose, throw away, gamble, whatever. just in case. the more monies you spend on testing (to point) the more info you get and the better you can judge a campaign.
haha well I am a NOOB.

Another thing, should I start with social media advertising (ie facebook) and then move into Google, Yahoo, and MSN?

There's not a whole lot of the nitty gritty keyword development with facebook.

use google for testing and running the campaign because you will get the most clicks, but your conversion rate wont be as high as msn, but msn gets very little clicks, but the conversion rate is better. so you will have to balance that out, im not sure about yahoo, havent played with it very much.
So... you want to try PPC... but don't want to spend money when you don't know for sure how well it will convert...

Why make a thread if you don't even have a specific question to ask? No one fucking knows how well something is going to convert. You have to test it. What do you want us to tell you? That we're sorry your ebook campaign lost you some pocket change?
Take advantage of all the coupons you can find. Try YSM and Microsoft AdCenter as well as AdWords. Be prepared to go thousands of dollars into the red to find a profitable campaign. It may come sooner, it may come later. Be prepared to lose money, but don't throw money into the wind, make sure you're learning as you're spending money. Good luck.
Thanks FatTom and omgyams for being the only legitimate posters on this thread.
im only doing it because this is an area that i had a lot of trouble in and took a lot time and money for me to get decent at it. and i just started my 1 week vacation from AM today, so im just in a really good mood today and possibly the whole next week. WooHoo ASW, Vegas Baby! BTW i stongly suggest reading as much as you can on this forum, and if you have a noob question try and be as specific as possible with out giving away your whole niche, and post a lot of boobs with the question, with the boobies icon of course.
Don't be afraid to test. Unfortunately you will lose money at first but you will just have to get over it. My suggestion is get out there and try to make more money with a real job to invest more into your PPC campaigns. Create around 5 campaigns a day and set daily budget to $20. See what keywords convert the most throw out ones that don't etc. If campaign is going really bad, dump it. GL!!!
Don't be afraid to test. Unfortunately you will lose money at first but you will just have to get over it. My suggestion is get out there and try to make more money with a real job to invest more into your PPC campaigns. Create around 5 campaigns a day and set daily budget to $20. See what keywords convert the most throw out ones that don't etc. If campaign is going really bad, dump it. GL!!!

Is that $20 per campaign? And I should have enough to get started.
If you have enough knowledge of how to do keyword research and you are comfortable with using YSM, Adwords and MSN Adcentre and you have enough to get started then go and START ! Writing ads should be easy there is a good guide on this forum, read that. I personally suck and keyword research and don't have enough funds thats why I'm not running right now... Yes I meant $20/campaign.
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