All The Terrorist Sympathizers..Read This

We need to get a cliff note macro for these threads so we can all just save our time and energy.

this. brainless extremists from all politcal parties and religions are invading WF and posting a whole lot of crap no one needs. where are the tits?
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]After North Korea blew up a South Korean ship and killed 46 sailors, people didn't really say too much or care. After Israeli commandoes intercepted a ship heading for the Gaza strip and killed 9 people, everyone was up in arms.[/FONT] The interception prompted a worldwide outcry against Israel. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Or me.
Wow what a smart thread, post something about about the Taliban and use your mystic whataboutery to somehow bring hamas into the fold.

I think the main fault line in your logic here is that Palestinians are being punished because the international community (Or Fuckheads) like you see them as part of the terrorist problem, do not condemn a whole people because you do not agree with Hamas policy of armed struggle, including the return of stolen Palestinian lands.
Pimpin - Ass Jew
Sammy Davis Jr., Motherphukaz


Wow what a smart thread, post something about about the Taliban and use your mystic whataboutery to somehow bring hamas into the fold.

I think the main fault line in your logic here is that Palestinians are being punished because the international community (Or Fuckheads) like you see them as part of the terrorist problem, do not condemn a whole people because you do not agree with Hamas policy of armed struggle, including the return of stolen Palestinian lands.

You are an ignorant fool. "Palestinians" never owned the land when the Jews came. Brittan did. And Brittan allowed the jews to come to the land under the Balfour Declaration (Balfour Declaration of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Hussein had protested that the Arabs of Beirut would greatly oppose isolation from the Arab state or states, but did not bring up the matter of Jerusalem or Palestine. Dr. Chaim Weizmann wrote in his autobiography Trial and Error that Palestine had been excluded from the areas that should have been Arab and independent. This interpretation was supported explicitly by the British government in the 1922 White Paper.

And why is sending suicide bombers to shopping centers called an "armed struggle?" It's called terrorism. Any "armed struggle" that solely targets civilians is called terrorism.
You are an ignorant fool. "Palestinians" never owned the land when the Jews came. Brittan did. And Brittan allowed the jews to come to the land under the Balfour Declaration (Balfour Declaration of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

And why is sending suicide bombers to shopping centers called an "armed struggle?" It's called terrorism. Any "armed struggle" that solely targets civilians is called terrorism.

Glasshouses my friend...

The UK was given the mandate to Govern "Palestine" after the first World War. Basically it was a carve up of the then Ottoman (Turkish) Empire who just had their arses handed to them by the Allies.

The Balfour Declaration did encourage Jews to return to the land which they had been kicked out off by the Romans during the diaspora of 75AD but many were still concerned with their safety, being the minority in Palestine. So they stayed put, mainly and (unfortunately for many of them) in Europe.

It was only after World War ll that the state of Isreal was created and that was because of the suffering they endured from the Nazis. Its argued either Nazi persecution of the Jews or the actions of the Romans was the catalyst to the problems we all face today.

Whatever it was, there is never going to be a resolution to the problem. The hate is so deep rooted, steeped in vastly differing theological ideologies and with both sides understandably suspicious of each other and both believing that they have an undisputed right to be there.... basically the place will blow up before either side concedes their claim to the land.... that is why it is imperative that Iran under Ahmadinejad should never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.
Sorry coundn't come up with a new "what's your favorite hair gel" thread so I thought I would inform all the terrorist symphathizers what they are supporting. Taliban hang 7-year-old boy accused of being a spy, suicide bomber kills 40 at Afghanistan wedding

When you defend Hamas and groups like this, it's hard to take your arguments against Israel seriously.

This is like saying because some kid in a japanese kindergarden in tokyo kills the teacher's kitten...


... for joe continue to bully mark at the kindergan in Ohio.

That being said

1. Taliban is not Hamas, vice versa. But that's beside the point.
2. Regardless of what anybody does -- i could be calling myself a muslim and eating little westerner children for breakfast -- it's doesn't justify oppression. In israel or anywhere else.

Say you are american.

If i call myself American, doesn't mean I am representing you. I could go around raping 8 year-olds, does that mean you are also a pedophile rapist?
This very simple, but this is what it comes down to.

I mean this with no disrespect when I say: dig a little deeper, question the facts. Don't listen to me find out things for yourself. Travel, meet these people, talk to them in their house ( all the sides ). That will open your eyes.

This is an slight over simplification, but how would you feel if some committee far far away would decide to evict you from your house because that land apparently belonged to some dude in the bible some 2000 years ago, (as a compensation for gotten beating up in a war that you had nothing to do with) the new dude would put you in camps that are more like dumps, promise you that you can return next week .... for 50 years. When you try to be all polite and diplomatic, they just keep bringing in more people and nothing moves, while your children starve. Wouldn't you raise your gun?

We're not talking about a feel-good "here, come share my food" like in the movies. We're talking about a "Get the fuck out, this is now my land and I don't give a shit about you".

When you see only one side, it's easy to make an ill-informed judgement.

Then again, this might all be too much and too complicated. It's easier to get back to AM, flamming noobes and smooking weed in the basement. :rasta:

The blue or red pill? the choice is yours

*disclosure: I am neither arab, muslim, american or israeli. I am just a traveller who likes good food and beautiful women :)

"These gentlemen are the moral equivalents of America's founding fathers." - Ronald Reagan introducing Afghan Mujahideen, 1985