All 4 letter .com domains taken today

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Prices going up quickly, as I've expected, just a month ago LLLL's with all premium letters were selling for about $100, now the minimum is up to $200
And here I thought I was pretty cool when I picked up a FIVE letter domain. It is an acronym for the name of my site and actually looks/sounds decent. Not a bunch of xyzqs, even has 2 vowels in it where vowels normally go and sounds as a word. It's just not a "real" word. I had actually checked the 4 letter first. They wanted too much so I added a word and my new one actually made more sense.
wooo! *goes to sell*

Pro: Popular band name acronym used by most fans
Con: Band possibly has beens? (Haven't really followed them in a while)

Fuck yeah listening to them now heh. How much?
Good one, does it get any traffic?

Just checked and for November it averages about 25 visitors per day, and about 750 visitors a month since january, it is also 8th on google for bfmv(Though it's just an ad page right now haven't had time to do anything with it so I'm sure it could go hirer with content)

The only downside is the incredibly large number of people who sign up for various sites with email addresses which all for a long time got forwarded it to my main account though I've turned that off now.

Well i suppose it could be an upside for phishing if thats your thing. I had someone sign up for itunes with like "" and fill out all their credit card info so itunes obviously mailed me their account information as a confirmation....I won't lie, i was tempted to get a few free songs as a charge for using my domain lol.
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