alex jones the end game

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well said

Thanks, but hell it would be the same as if someone followed you around non stop with a video recorder. Your having a bad day, or your girl friend breaks up with you, or whatever. The person gets it on tape, one small fraction of your day and life, throws it up on youtube and tries to make you look like a little bitch.

Let's say you'd not be so happy either.

It's funny, yeah sometimes he does get over emotional his his show. But dude that's one fucking minute from a 4 hour show posted only to try and discredit the guy.

And frankly if the best you can do is a minute out of a single of his many 4 hour radio broadcasts, well looks like your pretty pathetic and grasping for whatever the fuck you can get your hands on.


Funny vid. Posted. Your interpretations are yours.
Tin foil hat? I'm sure you probably never watched a single one of his documentaries or listened to his radio show, and are trying to make him look like a cook based purely on hear say huh?

"OH Alex Jones says some stuff I don't want to hear or believe so he must be lying. There's no way that could be true!"

Pretty typical I'd say.

I've listened to Ron Paul on his show many times. I've followed Alex Jones for quite some time, so I'm not totally in the dark. He's entertaining and he's fun to listen to, but dude... you can't sit there and tell me that he isn't the godfather of fucking conspiracy theories. Tis' why I said that it's time to put on the tin foil hats, s'all.
I've seen a lot of his stuff and read pretty often, and it's a lot of shit in one place that the media won't tell you like the gun registration part of the stimulus etc.

I think Alex is a little looney, but he has a good track record.
I've listened to Ron Paul on his show many times. I've followed Alex Jones for quite some time, so I'm not totally in the dark. He's entertaining and he's fun to listen to, but dude... you can't sit there and tell me that he isn't the godfather of fucking conspiracy theories. Tis' why I said that it's time to put on the tin foil hats, s'all.

You mean conspiracy fact?
It's funny, yeah sometimes he does get over emotional his his show. But dude that's one fucking minute from a 4 hour show posted only to try and discredit the guy.

And frankly if the best you can do is a minute out of a single of his many 4 hour radio broadcasts, well looks like your pretty pathetic and grasping for whatever the fuck you can get your hands on.

he is being sarcastic, he wasnt actually crying, he does this all the time, its a joke
basically anything the government pushes to the masses is the exact opposite of what really is going on. its no different than any business (trials, get rich quick, chinese imports, etc...). so when someone like obama tells you everything is going to be alright and who is targeting the same weak people who fall for all of the other shit, you better believe they are getting ready to fuck you.

the masses question nothing, they accept what is shoveled onto them even though they get fucked over time and time again. propaganda, psyche warfare, marketing, etc its all a play on emotional psychological states of weak people who are too ignorant or too afraid to question. out of fear of feeling stupid, or fear of being ridiculed for an alternative opinion they shout conspiracy, lunatic, nutjob, as a defense mechanism to deflect any attempt to get into a real debate over issues, because doing so would expose their lack of knowledge on the subject...

i will give u the best advice i can give you....if you really want to become a better marketer, listen to alex jones, watch what the government is doing, see how they are duping the idiotic public, learn what kind of techniques they use to manipulate the masses. instead of fighting the new world order, spreading the word or dieing in a revolution, play the game, use the real knowledge that you have to your advantage... be a wolf in sheeps clothing.
What is the mass extermination act that is going to shrink the population from 6 billion to 500 million?

I think it has to do with putting something in the water supply; I mean, besides the stuff that's already in it.

The only thing so far (I've seen about half of it) that jumps out at me is the actual end goal. Resistance is a constant throughout the course of humanity. I don't think it is possible for a condition to exist or be created where people will become enslaved "forever." As long as humans exist, there will always be a power struggle, no matter how lopsided it is. Anyone in power has the risk of being overthrown at any given time. That's why dictators become paranoid and kill even their most loyal supporters.
I think it has to do with putting something in the water supply; I mean, besides the stuff that's already in it.

The only thing so far (I've seen about half of it) that jumps out at me is the actual end goal. Resistance is a constant throughout the course of humanity. I don't think it is possible for a condition to exist or be created where people will become enslaved "forever." As long as humans exist, there will always be a power struggle, no matter how lopsided it is. Anyone in power has the risk of being overthrown at any given time. That's why dictators become paranoid and kill even their most loyal supporters.

Well there is already fluoride in our water, which is a poison. However drinking pretty much anything diet (even flavored waters) brings in the poison aspartame (ie. Splenda and other artificial sweeteners). There was a new study of the dangers of sweetners like Splenda just released, however I haven't seen it yet. If your soft drink gives you some kind of warning on it (you'll know because non diet sodas don't have this warning, and I wish I had a diet soda around to say what it is starts with a P though).

Mercury in vaccinations. I have seen news reports that say mercury is actually good for children.

Genetically engineered foods, these mainly consist of corn, soy, sugar and a few other crops. Very bad.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG). There is a reason you see "No MSG" on lots of packaging these days. Just search "MSG" in google and you'll relise how bad it is.

Late last year the FDA (same people that say Floride is good to drink) finnaly aproved that a certain amount of Melamine may be in baby formula, after they had concluded no level of Melamine was considered safe for consumption. Melamine had made 50k+ babies in china ill and killed many people. However it's ok to feed to your babies right?
Melamine traces found in samples of U.S. infant formula: Scientific American Blog

FDA sets 'safe' levels for melamine in baby formula -

Tip of the ice -burg. This is how they are soft killing us.
Well there is already fluoride in our water, which is a poison. However drinking pretty much anything diet (even flavored waters) brings in the poison aspartame (ie. Splenda and other artificial sweeteners). There was a new study of the dangers of sweetners like Splenda just released, however I haven't seen it yet. If your soft drink gives you some kind of warning on it (you'll know because non diet sodas don't have this warning, and I wish I had a diet soda around to say what it is starts with a P though).

Mercury in vaccinations. I have seen news reports that say mercury is actually good for children.

Genetically engineered foods, these mainly consist of corn, soy, sugar and a few other crops. Very bad.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG). There is a reason you see "No MSG" on lots of packaging these days. Just search "MSG" in google and you'll relise how bad it is.

Late last year the FDA (same people that say Floride is good to drink) finnaly aproved that a certain amount of Melamine may be in baby formula, after they had concluded no level of Melamine was considered safe for consumption. Melamine had made 50k+ babies in china ill and killed many people. However it's ok to feed to your babies right?
Melamine traces found in samples of U.S. infant formula: Scientific American Blog

FDA sets 'safe' levels for melamine in baby formula -

Tip of the ice -burg. This is how they are soft killing us.
Dentists freak at the flouride lol.. shits bad.
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