alex jones the end game

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We make things GREEN
Feb 16, 2009
bostic nc
anyone seen it?

Alex Jones is so damn retarded that he is more funny than sad. And he looks like cartman. He says a few good things though.
if we can get the general population to stop being so damn apathetic about what goes on today then we might could do something
The only voices the general public will listen to is Obama and/or Oprah. I will say one thing, lots of people wake up when times get bad. So who knows.
Alex Jones is so damn retarded that he is more funny than sad. And he looks like cartman. He says a few good things though.
He could be a little over the top. He does back up his words though, I give him that.
The only voices the general public will listen to is Obama and/or Oprah. I will say one thing, lots of people wake up when times get bad. So who knows.

i hate this to go to a racial thing because i honestly dont believe it is. Obama was a good candidate because he was the "cool" vote which is sad most people only heard the workd change never even thought about what that could mean
i hate this to go to a racial thing because i honestly dont believe it is. Obama was a good candidate because he was the "cool" vote which is sad most people only heard the workd change never even thought about what that could mean
I'm not trying to make it a race issue. But truth is, women listen to Oprah and people in general love Obama. I agree with some of his policies and disagree with others, bottom line is we need a President not a cult icon.
I'm not trying to make it a race issue. But truth is, women listen to Oprah and people in general love Obama. I agree with some of his policies and disagree with others, bottom line is we need a President not a cult icon.

cult icon perfectly said

i know it wasnt intended to be racial but the wrong person see it and thats where they will take it immediately
We'll never get a real leader in office until we get rid of the two-party system, the electoral college, and the plutocracy that owns the system.

At least I can go to my grave with a clean conscience, knowing I did my best to use my vote wisely and pull the country out of its deathspiral.

Ron Paul Revolution, MotherFuckers. Restore the Republic.

Oh god... time to put the tin foil hat on.

Tin foil hat? I'm sure you probably never watched a single one of his documentaries or listened to his radio show, and are trying to make him look like a cook based purely on hear say huh?

"OH Alex Jones says some stuff I don't want to hear or believe so he must be lying. There's no way that could be true!"

Pretty typical I'd say.
And frankly if the best you can do is a minute out of a single of his many 4 hour radio broadcasts, well looks like your pretty pathetic and grasping for whatever the fuck you can get your hands on.

well said
I don't like to give AJ much credit but you do have to admit that a lot of the idiots yelling "tin foil hat" 1 or 2 years ago better have their fat mouth shut now. Keynesian economics and the fiat currency aren't sustainable without a lot lot lot of biased "oversight" (intervention)
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