Affiliate Summit

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The age limitation is retarded for the conference alone. The parties at night have bouncers and rightfully so. If advertisers can't wait until the damn parties at night to give beer to people, that's pretty sad. Banning all affiliates under 21 from going to the summit just because one or two vendors has free beer at noon is ridiculous. Pay an extra person or something to stand at the booth and check ID's of people wanting beer that look under 25. It'll be worth it for the number of tickets you'll sell to guys under 21.

didnt he also get his shitty fake id jacked by a bouncer? haha

Yeah, one of them.
It would be easy, but I don't think something that is easy for us necessarily translates into being a positive for our exhibitors who wish to provide drinks to attendees.
Well, then, let's see...

Let's say there are 100 16-year-olds that want to buy a full pass. 21-16=5. 5 * 100 * 995 = $497,500 that's not reaped because you want to hold 5-10 advertisers' attention.

Naturally, I don't know how much you charge for an advertiser, but I can't imagine it's more than $10,000. You do the math.
Well, then, let's see...

Let's say there are 100 16-year-olds that want to buy a full pass. 21-16=5. 5 * 100 * 995 = $497,500 that's not reaped because you want to hold 5-10 advertisers' attention.

Naturally, I don't know how much you charge for an advertiser, but I can't imagine it's more than $10,000. You do the math.
Let's say 100x 19-20 year olds. It's more realistic and less like a fieldtrip.

But I mean really? Crap. Put an X on the hand of people under 21 if that's what it takes.
I think ase has to change the rules a little bit for next year, requiring the age to be only 18. Sounds fair to me.
If just one exhibitor is giving away beer, that's enough to make it an issue for us.

If I recall correctly, we started doing this last year in Miami.

People will figure out ways to try and beat it, and apparently some have.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to brag about it, because now we'll just clamp down more.

Why don't you just get rid of the one? or make them card?
The age limitation is retarded for the conference alone. The parties at night have bouncers and rightfully so. If advertisers can't wait until the damn parties at night to give beer to people, that's pretty sad. Banning all affiliates under 21 from going to the summit just because one or two vendors has free beer at noon is ridiculous. Pay an extra person or something to stand at the booth and check ID's of people wanting beer that look under 25. It'll be worth it for the number of tickets you'll sell to guys under 21.

Well put.

It's ludicrous that the only reason the conference is 21+ is because vendors serve alcohol. Either ban vendors from serving alcohol at their booths, or require them to check ID if they decide to. The vendors serving alcohol should be responsible for themselves. It's disappointing that Shawn and the Affiliate Summit decided to raise the age limit last year rather than require these select few to take an extra step; and that's only if they choose to serve alchol.

Apparently the industry doesn't have any respect for those of us who are under 21. We're not worth catering to. :)
Best Idea Ever. I wonder why Shawn couldn't come up with something like that.

Cause they can take the badge off?

LOL what happened to the good old wristband? check ids at the front door, give a wrist band for those over >21

Or have an ASE for Kids so SSSEO and Conceptual Mind can hang out with uberaffiliate and that 14 year old super affiliate.

But I agree, <21 is weak.
I no longer respect those under 21 who died fighting for our country. NOPE! not old enough.

Sorry guys!
Also, can you not sell my address. I got a lot of snailmail spam after signing up for AS*.
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