affiliate summit east 1 and affiliate summit east 2: and dinner on Jon

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darn, that might almost be worth the 20+ hr flight to NYC.,...

woooo weeee! I sure don't miss those 24 hour + ( Spore to Texas) cramped flights! Tell me you at least fly business, otherwise you might as well be cattle they way they pack you in back there!
Andrew Wee... I know you're not a native in the USA, but you should know better than to volunteer a JEW to pay for dinner! Especially at a steakhouse!

But.. New York City does have THE BEST steakhouses in the world. I know other states have the cattle, but NYC steakhouses have been doing it right for over 100 years.

Best steakhouse in the world - Peter Luger - Nothing even comes close. Everything from the location, to the tables, chairs, floors, walls, etc.. has been the same since 1887. No menus. Waiters all wear those long aprons and black bow ties. There is only ONE thing on the lunch menu worth getting. The steak. Whenever people order the burger (which is fantastic in it's own right) or a salad (wtf?!) the waiter gives it to them without the charm... but when you get that steak. Oh man. The real charm of the place comes out. Seriously.. my favorite place to go, EVER. My father goes there at least twice a week for more than 20 years, and some of my fondest memories with him were at Peter Luger. Plus I love the irony that 3 old JEWISH sisters own the place, haha!
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