Affiliate Store with RSS Feeds !?!

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Pounding Googlebot
Oct 6, 2006
Can anyone recommend a good affiliate store front? I'm locking for a template driven system, were I can import products via rss feeds.

Any recommendation, and why do you like the recommended script?

I am not aware of any stores that allow the import of items via rss feeds--I use oscommerce and zencart. Both do allow you to setup rss export feeds; not what it sounds like you are looking for.

Another option would be to convert your rss xml feed to a spreadsheet file and then mass update your store listings. Not certain if this is possible. I would also like to know if anyone has implemented an rss store.
Clickbank and iTunes. First page results of a Google search 'affiliate rss feed. Good question got me thinking.

Cheers for that - iTunes don't offer it on their UK program with Tradedoubler, just applied to the US one... which annoyingly doesn't pay commission for non-US sales :(
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