Affiliate Marketing- Supplemental or Full Time?

Do you do affiliate marketing full time?

  • Yes, I do AM full-time

    Votes: 88 55.3%
  • Only AM for supplemental income

    Votes: 60 37.7%
  • I don't do AM at all (only design, SEO, etc)

    Votes: 11 6.9%

  • Total voters

Your job shouldn't define who you are as a person. A job is just a way to put food on the table and pay the bills. You should define who you are as a person by how you live your life. If you happen to love what you do, then that's awesome, but let's face it, 99% of working adults will NEVER LOVE THEIR JOB, and they will probably never better their situation. The world needs people to work for companies. Not everyone can own their own business. That's just unrealistic. I don't look down upon, or blame people for having to work 8-6 every day, making lousy paychecks. Someone has to do it.

I see there being 3 choices for everyone in regards to their employment

  1. You can be miserable your entire life because you have a lousy job.
  2. You can accept your job for what it is and try to enjoy the other aspect of your life, family, time off, etc.
  3. You can say fuck it, enough of this shit, and make a leap of faith to do something you might enjoy more.
  4. And I guess #4 is just say fuck it and be homeless.
I worked for the past 14 years in a job that I never really intended on getting into after college, but the money was too good to pass up, and that's why I stuck with it for so long. I never "loved" what I did, but I sure liked what the money I was making afforded my wife and I. When the paychecks started getting smaller and smaller each month, and I had no control over it, then I knew that the gravy train was over and it was time to move on. Luckily I had been preparing for that time a year in advance, so I could make the move to full time AM without even breaking stride.

Working for yourself isn't for everyone. It takes a shit load more discipline than punching a clock for someone else every day. YOU are the only one responsible for how much money you make. That can be scary when you've been used to a regular pay check. Some people are better off working for someone else. I don't plan on ever doing it again...but if it came down to it and I had to go get a "real job", I would do what ever I had to do to provide for my family.
I agree entirely with what efeezy said if you focus on "99% of working adults won't love their job." For them, their job should not define them.

For people who want fulfillment, they should find a job that they are defined by. Something they can love. They shouldn't just start mentally distancing themselves from their job, they should deal with it. Whether that means a new job, entrepreneurship or saving a pile of money and immediately retiring to the third world.
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the firefighter that protects your house
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the cop that protects your possessions and loved ones...

Talk to any EMR employee, they are in it for every reason besides the money (cause there is none).

Most people who "live comfortable lives, with regular vacation, spending cash and weekends free for family" are not self employed.

Most people who "live lavish lifestyles, have multiple vacation homes, to much spending cash and weeks at a time free for family" are self employed.

Saw the stat a few years ago that most business owners who "make it" (think really really rich) have at least once bankruptcy and a few failed ventures.

As the co-owner of a firm (client based IM not AM) that turns a modest profit, I can vouch for how much work it takes to get to this point (and stay here).

Would I do it over again? Absofuckinglutely.

Would I recommend others do it? Not unless you are driven, able to sacrifice money, lifestyle, time, friends, have ADD, handle stress/anxiety and understand sweat equity.

The only way I would leave self employment / entrepreneurship is if I was broke, had an offer and had a dependent. Til then the road less taken has a way better view.
I think this is all bullshit.. Nobody is content with these jobs, this is what they were offered and stuck with it.

The surgeon? chances are that fucker has his own practice or is partnered in a new practice. if he doesnt, He banks way more then all the others on that list.

You would be surprised why people do what they do, its not about passion or fulfillment, its what was attainable at the time and then they fucked up and got deeper in the ratrace and are stuck with the job + benefits.

I have successfully escaped that mindset and im looking for bigger and better.

Fear keeps people on that list, not job satisfaction!

I do actually, as a matter of fact with those 3 of those on a daily basis, Also with the soldier/sailor too. Both formally and in formally. But,most of the time its over some beers.

They all want better, better for themselves and their families. Some are trying to improve themselves, while others (majority) just settle for what they have. city/goverment job + benefits. they talk the talk but they aint doing shit about it

These are the same people who play lotto every fucking day hoping to win instead of trying to learn how to start a business or go back to school.

2 sides of the same coin, what you see and i see are 2 totally different things.

I'm sorry your friends aren't doing a civil job because they enjoy it. I took a huge pay cut to teach because I decided I would do the job for free. Fortunately I was in a financial position to do that because I just about did teach for free that first year the pay cut from consulting was so huge.

That being said, I agree with you that most teachers don't feel that way. Many of them go into teaching because they think they will love it, but find out just how hard it is and take the path of least resistance - worksheets, textbooks and droning lectures to be sure they are doing their "job." Because of how things work, I do a kick-ass job teaching - I come up with new materials, write my own curriculum, work in meaningful topics for my At Risk kiddos who are considerably tougher than your typical college-bound high school kiddos and love every minute of it.

I get paid the exact same amount as the teacher down the hall who has worked the same eight years and is "marking time" as they say in education. We'll always get paid the same no matter how great I work to be and how terrible she is. It's easy to get burned out if you're in it for the wrong reasons.

My rule is that when it's not fun anymore, I'll make a change. So far, working with teenage delinquents is great fun and I still love it, so I still do it - even though I make more in 12-15 hours a week online than I do in the many hours I spend teaching and preparing materials for class.

You don't get rich working for other people. Period. All the richest people I know own their own business.

Sure - if you're talking about monetary riches. There are many other riches to strive for in life as well. Don't forget those in the quest for the gold.

I might throw in that I'm directly related to two millionaires, both of whom work for large energy companies. One of whom is only 19 months older than I am and the other who raised us. Savings and investments FTW.
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the cop that protects your possessions and loved ones

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The cop that spies on you with drones in Houston.

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The cop that plows into 2 teenagers at 94 mph killing them both because he was drag racing with his fellow cop buddy.

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The cop that didn't allow you to see your mom's last dying moments in the hospital because you ran a red light.
Guaranteed salary + benefits = The cop that spies on you with drones in Houston.

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The cop that plows into 2 teenagers at 94 mph killing them both because he was drag racing with his fellow cop buddy.

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The cop that didn't allow you to see your mom's last dying moments in the hospital because you ran a red light.

yeah I don't like the police as a whole either, but that's not quite the point of this thread.

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The nuclear engineer who runs your power plant

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The chemical engineer who helps refine oil so you can run your car, use plastic, etc etc

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The professors who teach these engineers, medical doctors, and researchers
yeah I don't like the police as a whole either, but that's not quite the point of this thread.

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The nuclear engineer who runs your power plant

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The chemical engineer who helps refine oil so you can run your car, use plastic, etc etc

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The professors who teach these engineers, medical doctors, and researchers

I got you, i'm not ungrateful of those professions.
Guaranteed salary + benefits = The cop that spies on you with drones in Houston.

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The cop that plows into 2 teenagers at 94 mph killing them both because he was drag racing with his fellow cop buddy.

Guaranteed salary + benefits = The cop that didn't allow you to see your mom's last dying moments in the hospital because you ran a red light.

Meh, 3 examples out of 650,000+ police in the country. My point was it's pointless speaking about absolutes concerning your own perceptions of somebody else's sense of self worth.
I get paid the exact same amount as the teacher down the hall who has worked the same eight years and is "marking time" as they say in education. We'll always get paid the same no matter how great I work to be and how terrible she is. It's easy to get burned out if you're in it for the wrong reasons.

Nailed it on the head.

Sorry to hijack the thread OP.

I understand both arguments and realize everybody is different. It is all based on the individual in that position. What they feel is rewarding and what isnt.

Its sad that the majority of the time we get the later in internetauthors post to fill alot of civil service jobs. Especially since they have the most exposure to our kids.
man 90% of you people are fucked. I wonder if hat correlates with 90% of you that fail in am.
You don't get rich working for other people. Period. All the richest people I know own their own business.
I think the early employees of google would beg to differ.

Edit - Damn, didn't see that this was bumped up from a month ago.
I do this full-time and have been for over 4 years.. I love working for myself and could never ever go back to a 9-5.. This is just too awesome :D

Just curious how many people here "do" affiliate marketing full time compared to doing it for supplemental income. Personally, I have a regular 9-5 (guaranteed salary + benefits ftw), and do some affiliate stuff on the side. Affiliate marketing helped me sharpen my general internet marketing skill-set, which I now use every day at work.