Affiliate Marketing- Supplemental or Full Time?

Do you do affiliate marketing full time?

  • Yes, I do AM full-time

    Votes: 88 55.3%
  • Only AM for supplemental income

    Votes: 60 37.7%
  • I don't do AM at all (only design, SEO, etc)

    Votes: 11 6.9%

  • Total voters

Magic Hat

Number 9
Nov 27, 2009
Just curious how many people here "do" affiliate marketing full time compared to doing it for supplemental income. Personally, I have a regular 9-5 (guaranteed salary + benefits ftw), and do some affiliate stuff on the side. Affiliate marketing helped me sharpen my general internet marketing skill-set, which I now use every day at work.

I couldn't disagree more.

Guaranteed salary + benefits = slavery to someone else. It's a legal pyramid scheme where you don't control your own destiny.

Maybe when you work in the dregs of an organization. Not when you prove to be a valuable asset, and actually maintain some leverage.
I couldn't disagree more.

Guaranteed salary + benefits = slavery to someone else. It's a legal pyramid scheme where you don't control your own destiny.

You sound so educated using words that you don't have a clue about.

A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, often without any product or service being delivered.
If you have a job, props. Stack that paper booboo. I just don't need one.
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Guaranteed salary + benefits = slavery to someone else.

Guaranteed salary + benefits = the firefighter that protects your house
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the cop that protects your possessions and loved ones
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the teacher that taught you and will teach your kids
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the surgeon that might one day save your life if he/she hasn't already
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the office worker who is grateful for a job and content just to be able to put food on his table and cloth his children
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the civil engineer that built the infrastructure that helped build our society
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the soldier that fights in lieu of us when we talk all kinds of shit but wouldn't dream of actually enlisting

Contrary to what many on this board believe, fulfillment can come in many forms.
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Guaranteed salary + benefits = the firefighter that protects your house
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the cop that protects your possessions and loved ones
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the teacher that taught you and will teach your kids
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the surgeon that might one day save your life if he/she hasn't already
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the office worker who is grateful for a job and content just to be able to put food on his table and cloth his children
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the civil engineer that built the infrastructure that helped build our society
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the soldier that fights in lieu of us when we talk all kinds of shit but wouldn't dream of actually enlisting

Contrary to what many on this board believe, fulfillment can come in many forms.

This. I'm fully self-employed. Not 100% AM. But I would never disparage a person for choosing full-time employment. Try picturing a world where everyone sought to be compensated like we are. Just isn't feasible.

As long as you're making your decisions based on your own conclusions, who gives a shit what you do or how you're paid?
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the firefighter that protects your house
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the cop that protects your possessions and loved ones
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the teacher that taught you and will teach your kids
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the surgeon that might one day save your life if he/she hasn't already
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the office worker who is grateful for a job and content just to be able to put food on his table and cloth his children
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the civil engineer that built the infrastructure that helped build our society
Guaranteed salary + benefits = the soldier that fights in lieu of us when we talk all kinds of shit but wouldn't dream of actually enlisting

I think this is all bullshit.. Nobody is content with these jobs, this is what they were offered and stuck with it.

The surgeon? chances are that fucker has his own practice or is partnered in a new practice. if he doesnt, He banks way more then all the others on that list.

You would be surprised why people do what they do, its not about passion or fulfillment, its what was attainable at the time and then they fucked up and got deeper in the ratrace and are stuck with the job + benefits.

I have successfully escaped that mindset and im looking for bigger and better.

Fear keeps people on that list, not job satisfaction!
You would be surprised why people do what they do, its not about passion or fulfillment, its what was attainable at the time and then they fucked up and got deeper in the ratrace and are stuck with the job + benefits.

I think you'd be surprised too. Although you'd have to pull your head out of your ass long enough to have a conversation with a cop or a firefighter or a teacher find to out. But there's no sense in arguing with such a narrow minded response.
I do actually, as a matter of fact with those 3 of those on a daily basis, Also with the soldier/sailor too. Both formally and in formally. But,most of the time its over some beers.

They all want better, better for themselves and their families. Some are trying to improve themselves, while others (majority) just settle for what they have. city/goverment job + benefits. they talk the talk but they aint doing shit about it

These are the same people who play lotto every fucking day hoping to win instead of trying to learn how to start a business or go back to school.

2 sides of the same coin, what you see and i see are 2 totally different things.
I think this is all bullshit.. Nobody is content with these jobs, this is what they were offered and stuck with it.

The surgeon? chances are that fucker has his own practice or is partnered in a new practice. if he doesnt, He banks way more then all the others on that list.

You would be surprised why people do what they do, its not about passion or fulfillment, its what was attainable at the time and then they fucked up and got deeper in the ratrace and are stuck with the job + benefits.

I have successfully escaped that mindset and im looking for bigger and better.

Fear keeps people on that list, not job satisfaction!

you serious? What about research scientists who love their field and are well published? How about Engineers and Factory managers who love the production and manufacturing aspect? Someone has to run the operation aside from owning it. The owner isn't out on the factory floor (usually) in production.

Some people honestly love teaching. I considered being a high school band director, because I love it. I love music, I compose competitive marching band music, and I love instructing competitive high school bands.

Lots of people love their jobs and wouldn't trade them for working on their own. I know cops, soldiers, firemen, medical workers (nurses, doctors, rad techs), etc etc who love their job.
I really think it depends more on the person than the job itself. There's going to be go-getters and lazy bums in every field regardless. Just choose which you want to be and try to get into some kind of work that is fulfilling and makes you happy.
You don't get rich working for other people. Period. All the richest people I know own their own business.
You don't get rich working for other people. Period. All the richest people I know own their own business.

I agree with this. But I think what others are trying to say on here is that there is more to job (and life) satisfaction than getting rich. I know people with 40hr/wk jobs that could make a lot more money than they do now, and have more control over their lives, but would be miserable.

(I personally am not one of those, and am trying to get to AM full time.)
I agree with this. But I think what others are trying to say on here is that there is more to job (and life) satisfaction than getting rich. I know people with 40hr/wk jobs that could make a lot more money than they do now, and have more control over their lives, but would be miserable.

(I personally am not one of those, and am trying to get to AM full time.)

Sure, I agree. Personally, becoming disgustingly rich is my number one priority, and I derive immense satisfaction from the challenge.
I think this is all bullshit.. Nobody is content with these jobs, this is what they were offered and stuck with it.

The surgeon? chances are that fucker has his own practice or is partnered in a new practice. if he doesnt, He banks way more then all the others on that list.

You would be surprised why people do what they do, its not about passion or fulfillment, its what was attainable at the time and then they fucked up and got deeper in the ratrace and are stuck with the job + benefits.

I have successfully escaped that mindset and im looking for bigger and better.

Fear keeps people on that list, not job satisfaction!

Most people in those fields do not do it for the money or the benefits. You could probably have picked like 1000 other occupations to make your statement true, but none of those, (except for maybe the generic "office worker".)