AdWords suckt in 2010 ?

AdWords sucks now, you don't need to wait until 2010 to realize that.

I'm reading articles everywhere saying more and more people are getting into AM, as it's close to recession proof for an industry (I call BS on that), but more importantly, people are learning the ABCs and teaching their grandparents and wives to do it, which sucks as well.

I have a feeling this will come to light at Ad Tech in NYC, I expect the crowds to be enormous, more than we're all probably expecting. Any grannies I see are getting whacked with their own cane.

i have to say im not worried at all by that. This is a business and you need a LOT of know how to pull it off successfully. Like in every industry, only a small % will make it big.

adwords is huge, and no, it's not easy. it takes a lot of time, a lot of thought, and a LOT of money to get right.

Only thing is with google since the pyramid scheme and lovely acai berries, they're axeing affiliates left and right in a quest for "user experience"

LOTS of affiliates are getting nailed right now because google has taken a holier than thou attitude with TONS of affiliate offers. all-out account closures (meaning you can NEVER promote via google again) and serious campaign level slappings.

It's not as easy as putting up a landing page with big shiny "free trial" buttons and a couple content articles anymore. I've seen guys with tens of thousands in daily ad spend get nailed and told never to promote via google again.
LOTS of affiliates are getting nailed right now because google has taken a holier than thou attitude with TONS of affiliate offers. all-out account closures (meaning you can NEVER promote via google again) and serious campaign level slappings.

It's not as easy as putting up a landing page with big shiny "free trial" buttons and a couple content articles anymore. I've seen guys with tens of thousands in daily ad spend get nailed and told never to promote via google again.

Unfortunately I'm one of those guys :(

If everyone starts getting into adwords, then those who can , will game those people :)
i have to say im not worried at all by that. This is a business and you need a LOT of know how to pull it off successfully. Like in every industry, only a small % will make it big.

You're missing my point - I'm not saying simply because Grandma is learning how to bid on keywords we need to worry. What I'm suggesting is that 1000 grandmas per every one "expert" overfloods AdWords, brings up certain keywords prices, even if for a short time while Grandma thinks she needs to be in the #1 position, causing more automation to deal with population control, etc.

Yeah, the smart guys will outlast grandma for sure, but it's kind of like trying to do business with a bunch of gnats flying around your face.
I agree it's not easy, I didnt claim it was. Look at the current Aff Summit magazine, theres an article in there where the writer claims people he knows that do AM are teaching it to their grandparents - lol. I aint making this shit up.

That was Scott Richter and it was only one guy. That guy being Markus from POF if I remember correctly.
Well, Adwords hammered me this morning with a nasty little email telling me they did not like one of the ad banners on my mimi-blog. They did not terminate me, but they made it perfectly clear that if they allow me to be their customer they are going to be deciding who I promote on my blogs. Basic premise, you can buy traffic from us but you need to take the ad banner down for the following affiliate programs.....

"As noted in our advertising terms and conditions, Google may refuse any ads or terminate any of your ad campaigns at any time, for any reason."

It's realy amazing what Google can get away with. They sell you traffic based on a secret pricing scale that you are not allowed to see and then they tell you what you can do with the traffic that you purchase.

Imagine if you went to Wal-mart and decided to purchase some apples and their price sign said "we cannot tell you what you are going to pay for apples until after you buy them - what's your maximum bid going to be". Then they had to go out to the parking lot and approve the car that you are going to drive the apples home in before you could buy them. Then when you got home you received an email from them saying that you can make apple pie with the apples that you bought but if you make the apples into applesause you will never be permitted to shop at Wal-mart again.....

Google needs some competition.
You're missing my point - I'm not saying simply because Grandma is learning how to bid on keywords we need to worry. What I'm suggesting is that 1000 grandmas per every one "expert" overfloods AdWords, brings up certain keywords prices, even if for a short time while Grandma thinks she needs to be in the #1 position, causing more automation to deal with population control, etc.
I totally agree with Roundabout here. These focking rookies come in by the thousands like a charterted bus for all the old Milk Shakes going to a casino, only to drive the prices of keywords through the roof.

Adwords has its place and I personally still use it somewhat, but it is getting a little reDICKulous for keyword prices. Not to mention getting slapped like the french whores we AM's are.
LOTS of affiliates are getting nailed right now because google has taken a holier than thou attitude with TONS of affiliate offers. all-out account closures (meaning you can NEVER promote via google again) and serious campaign level slappings.

It's not as easy as putting up a landing page with big shiny "free trial" buttons and a couple content articles anymore. I've seen guys with tens of thousands in daily ad spend get nailed and told never to promote via google again.
Funny, if you don't have shady rebills, flogs, or the likes in a Google account, Google doesn't seem to care...

WTF is with the thinking that since shady rebills are getting accounts banned, or getting shut down on traffic sources, that affiliate marketing is coming to an end? People were in an uproar when mobile subscriptions got slapped, and look at them now - Those who are more than a 1 trick pony have other campaigns up and running. I've had some of the same affiliate campaigns running for 2 years now with steady income - Not the crazy kind of income I'd get from an Acai offer or something, but these have longevity long after a certain hot trend gets the boot. Split up your shady stuff from your long term stuff appropriately.
I totally agree with Roundabout here. These focking rookies come in by the thousands like a charterted bus for all the old Milk Shakes going to a casino, only to drive the prices of keywords through the roof.

Interesting analogy... stay off those buses or start a bus company - Donald Trump and Steve Wynn don't ride them, they buy / build the casinos and give out gift certs to the bus companies.

Do you have any coupons?
As Adwords evolves, the affiliate marketers who are willing to adjust to the new Google policys will actually benefit more than if Google was lenient because all the competition from cry babies who quit goes away, leaving more traffic for the smartys. :)
I checked his second video... The main motivations behind "Adwords sucks in 2010" are obviously the ongoing slaps of campaigns and the difficulty of pleasing Google while maximizing our own goals. It makes Adwords difficult to use and takes more time, for a non-stable result.

Still it's worth it because there is so much volume and quality of traffic.

At the moment I see two major problems: 1. the rebills (if you want to run them) that probably have to adjust heavily in order to run on adwords (that's happening already, see Dazzle). 2. the problem of keeping an affiliate landing page running on Adwords (for instance to feed an email list or/and sent users to affiliate offers).

Especially if the 2. point is getting harder and harder, then Adwords would suck in 2010 for AM.
It was direct linking, then landing page, then landing site, now it's one more site before landing site.
Adwords sucks for ever for anyone who don't know how to game it dude!

If you'r an experienced PPC marketer you should know , that you can play with your QS , CTR site and whatever to get 5-10 cents a click on adwords google search .

I normally always pay around that rate and ROI at least 3 times whatever spent.

It's all about stratergies and exploits , however if there is something that's going to be new and better than adwords I don't mind giving it a shot !
I just checked out the live stream from [anonymous] on [someone's workshop] where he talked about Internet Marketing trends in 2010. I seemed to have missed the intro, but it was about why AdWords would suck in 2010.

Has anybody seen it? What's the reasoning behind that strange statement?

who the fuck is [anonymous] on [someone's workshop]
Adwords sucks for ever for anyone who don't know how to game it dude!

If you'r an experienced PPC marketer you should know , that you can play with your QS , CTR site and whatever to get 5-10 cents a click on adwords google search .

I normally always pay around that rate and ROI at least 3 times whatever spent.

It's all about stratergies and exploits , however if there is something that's going to be new and better than adwords I don't mind giving it a shot !

Quality Article Writer
Why do you put a space before all your punctuation ?
Funny, if you don't have shady rebills, flogs, or the likes in a Google account, Google doesn't seem to care...

WTF is with the thinking that since shady rebills are getting accounts banned, or getting shut down on traffic sources, that affiliate marketing is coming to an end? People were in an uproar when mobile subscriptions got slapped, and look at them now - Those who are more than a 1 trick pony have other campaigns up and running. I've had some of the same affiliate campaigns running for 2 years now with steady income - Not the crazy kind of income I'd get from an Acai offer or something, but these have longevity long after a certain hot trend gets the boot. Split up your shady stuff from your long term stuff appropriately.

Get off your high fucking horse. Clearly you haven't gathered FACTS about who is or isn't getting banned. There are many other affiliates and legitimate businesses that have been banned (and haven't been told why). I'll be the first to laugh when you are here crying, because it's only a matter of time.
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I'm not worried. The recent and current influx will all die down once the economy recovers and people start getting raped hard by the government and companies through lawsuits for all the scams that plague the place right now. Once that happens the easy money is gone and those who don't know how to market for real will be the first out of business.
Well, Adwords hammered me this morning with a nasty little email telling me they did not like one of the ad banners on my mimi-blog. They did not terminate me, but they made it perfectly clear that if they allow me to be their customer they are going to be deciding who I promote on my blogs. Basic premise, you can buy traffic from us but you need to take the ad banner down for the following affiliate programs.....

"As noted in our advertising terms and conditions, Google may refuse any ads or terminate any of your ad campaigns at any time, for any reason."

It's realy amazing what Google can get away with. They sell you traffic based on a secret pricing scale that you are not allowed to see and then they tell you what you can do with the traffic that you purchase.

Imagine if you went to Wal-mart and decided to purchase some apples and their price sign said "we cannot tell you what you are going to pay for apples until after you buy them - what's your maximum bid going to be". Then they had to go out to the parking lot and approve the car that you are going to drive the apples home in before you could buy them. Then when you got home you received an email from them saying that you can make apple pie with the apples that you bought but if you make the apples into applesause you will never be permitted to shop at Wal-mart again.....

Google needs some competition.

If apples were sentient beings and had a apple run organization that could determine whether or not walmart could sell them and walmart only sold apples your metaphor would be valid.