AdWords suckt in 2010 ?


New member
Jul 3, 2009
I just checked out the live stream from [anonymous] on [someone's workshop] where he talked about Internet Marketing trends in 2010. I seemed to have missed the intro, but it was about why AdWords would suck in 2010.

Has anybody seen it? What's the reasoning behind that strange statement?
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AdWords sucks now, you don't need to wait until 2010 to realize that.

I'm reading articles everywhere saying more and more people are getting into AM, as it's close to recession proof for an industry (I call BS on that), but more importantly, people are learning the ABCs and teaching their grandparents and wives to do it, which sucks as well.

I have a feeling this will come to light at Ad Tech in NYC, I expect the crowds to be enormous, more than we're all probably expecting. Any grannies I see are getting whacked with their own cane.
AdWords sucks now, you don't need to wait until 2010 to realize that.

I'm reading articles everywhere saying more and more people are getting into AM, as it's close to recession proof for an industry (I call BS on that), but more importantly, people are learning the ABCs and teaching their grandparents and wives to do it, which sucks as well.

I have a feeling this will come to light at Ad Tech in NYC, I expect the crowds to be enormous, more than we're all probably expecting. Any grannies I see are getting whacked with their own cane.

I disagree, the barrier of entry is very high for those without technical experience and more importantly start up cash. Everyone likes to say it requires little investment - they're wrong. Some get lucky, 99% of others do not and must first loose money in order to even start breaking even. AM is not easy. Adwords has always sucked - it's a platform for newbs that is highly unstable. You can make a quick buck, but it's not going to take you to the top.
I disagree, the barrier of entry is very high for those without technical experience and more importantly start up cash. Everyone likes to say it requires little investment - they're wrong. Some get lucky, 99% of others do not and must first loose money in order to even start breaking even. AM is not easy. Adwords has always sucked - it's a platform for newbs that is highly unstable. You can make a quick buck, but it's not going to take you to the top.

I agree it's not easy, I didnt claim it was. Look at the current Aff Summit magazine, theres an article in there where the writer claims people he knows that do AM are teaching it to their grandparents - lol. I aint making this shit up.
lol @ you taking howie schartz seriously.
Well, I found that statement funny. Since I work 50% of my time with AdWords and plan to continue on it, somehow it raised my attention ;)

I didn't hear any justification from him (must have been in the first part of the video). It's certainly interesting to discuss.

Another issue would be the strong policies they try to implement now and the difficulties this brings for most affiliate marketers. But then again, if you are able to stay in the game that might be an advantage too.
Howie schartz makes bank teaching "Web 2.0" bullshit.

You think HE actually makes REAL money (more than $2.32 a day) by doing his stupid fucking social bookmarking type strategies.

That is fucking digital point strategies.

All I've seen him teach are "free" strategies and there all a waste of fucking time.

Either spend some real money on Paid advertising/SEO, or live in your moms fucking basement for the rest of your life.
If you think that AdWords sucks, you're doing it wrong.

Yes, there are other traffic sources out there. No, not every ad campaign will work on AdWords - but that's true for any ad platform.
I agree, the only way Howie is making any sort of DECENT income is if he outsources this work.

I hear that what he does is actually have people do it for free in exchange for vital internet marketing information which he has them implement until they are ready "to leave the nest" THAT is how he is making AVERAGE income but not as much as he claims.:338:
The question of this thread was to get the causes for "Adwords sucks in 2010". Haven't seen anything so far, except it's overpopulated. If you are good at it, that is not really a problem.

I'd say he is just plain wrong.
After the addition of the Quality Score the number of advertisers got a little bit lower than before.. But google adwords always sucked in someone else's opinion..
The question of this thread was to get the causes for "Adwords sucks in 2010". Haven't seen anything so far, except it's overpopulated. If you are good at it, that is not really a problem.

I'd say he is just plain wrong.
Nah man. Google Adwords is only fine as long as it works. Once you spend a couple million dollars and they freeze your fucking account you will see whats up. Have fun trying to contact Customer service.
I don't know if adwords will suck in 2010 as I am making a good profit from it still but I did hear that Adwords will end in 2012.

Seriously, the fag sends me 3 emails every day. His strategies are retarded and regurgitated.