Adwords Arbi is Over!

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Theres no way it can be over. Too many niches and too many niches that will continue to rise. I dont use AdWords yet, but there is no way it can be completely dry. The internet and trends in general grow too quickly.
stop now, arbitrage is something that Jon made up to get all the idiots to do something other than AFF so he could make some real money.
Those who are making the most money aren't following the beaten path I can guarantee you.

This guy seems to be doing OK

I have a Case Study compiled by Brad Callen (Keyword Elite & SEO Elite) about one of his customers who is banking with G arbi.

The information is current - the last earnings screenshot is for 11/19/06 (yes, I know they can be faked) - and makes an interesting read.

Best of all, it's FREE :D

Grab your copy from my worseless blog at » The Google Arbitrage Method Revealed » $250/Day » Blog Archive
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA $250/day is is called banking it??????? HAHAHAHAHA...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA $250/day is is called banking it??????? HAHAHAHAHA...


$250/Day is my blog, I said the guy the case study (not me) is about was banking it ($200+ / Day from one arbi site that must have taken him all of 5 minutes to produce ROI = 3.5,4.0 - 1) - easy mistake to make :anon.sml:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA $250/day is is called banking it??????? HAHAHAHAHA...
Shit, I'd be happy with 250/day in profits from arbitrage...mine are much lower :(

But really, IMO, Using Google to make money from Google is nothing more than insanity. The definition of arbitrage is "the simultaneous purchase and sale of the same securities, commodities, or foreign exchange in different markets..." Now, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed...but to me google == google which means that the google market is the same as the google market. It's like buying shares of WAG on the NYSE (great stock BTW, It'll be at 50 before the end of the year...) and then trying to simultaneously sell it to someone else on the NYSE who's stupid enough to pay more for it. It might work, but I guarantee you It'll be a lot more work than instantly selling it to the London Exchange where you make .05 automatically or whatever.
Why not buy traffic from a cheaper engine like 7Search (a different "market") and then send that over to AdSense or YPN? Sure, you can profit from Adwords to Adsense, but why bother when there's so many other options out there?
Also, I read somewhere on here that there is a far higher chance of being 'smartpriced' if you do Adwords to Adsense.

$250/Day is my blog, I said the guy the case study (not me) is about was banking it ($200+ / Day from one arbi site that must have taken him all of 5 minutes to produce ROI = 3.5,4.0 - 1) - easy mistake to make :anon.sml:

Ya, that is what they all say... Let's see his full arbi stuff then, why not impress us even more????
Prof, if I or Engaged told you what we really make sending adwords to adsense you would jump up smack your mother and offer to go gay for a piece of the pie! I have been at it since April, never smart priced!
Prof, if I or Engaged told you what we really make sending adwords to adsense you would jump up smack your mother and offer to go gay for a piece of the pie! I have been at it since April, never smart priced!

Now THIS is what I wanted to hear!

Time to dust of that spare adwords account and give my credit card a good pounding.
What a bummer!

that's not how most people are doing it, but we are talking about the people that ARE doing. And believe you and me, there are people that make it happen.

but hey what do I know, everyone go back to working at mcdonalds, there is no money left on the internet. adsense is dead, adwords is dead, internet marketing is dead...

Damn, this is disappointing news.



Thinks he may need to get his McDonalds uniform out of closet...
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