advertising strategies?

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
Do you have an advertising plan or are you more adhoc in your approach?

Do you have a budget?

Do you target mostly google adwords or are to you havea broad advertising base?

Do you do it all yourself/in hourse or do you hire a 3rd party company to do it for you?

$5 Submissions said:
I use a list of FREE traffic sources. I just have my traffic generator staff go through the list daily. Each employee can drop 300 qualified and filtered links daily.

Could you explain what you mean a bit more? Do you mean a list of places that will send you traffic a la digg/slashdot etc or more along the lines of link exchanges and such?
$5 Submissions said:
I use a list of FREE traffic sources. I just have my traffic generator staff go through the list daily. Each employee can drop 300 qualified and filtered links daily.
you mean like directory submissions and article submissions?
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