Adsense placement

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
My conversion rates for adsense have been pretty low on a site that is running Wordpress. I have a 3 column site, with an adsense skyscraper in the right column. I also have adsense inside each post (sometimes in the middle of the post, some times at the bottom).

What has everyone found are the best placement positions?

I recently moved my adsense position from right to far left and i'm seeing a significant CTR increase, although i'm using a medium rectangle (300x250).
I hate to echo something but this is a great time for it...experiment! Test everything. If you are running adsense on a site, TEST for:
1. Location
2. Color Scheme
3. Type/Layout (link, block, skyscraper)

If you get a lot of traffic, you might be able to change your ads every few days and compare stat's.

Some sites (some topics) lend themselves to certain layouts such as tall graphics or thin adlinks. Play around with different ad locations on the same pages. If you have more than one ad block on a page, use adsense channels to track them as separate entities.

Color scheme gets you into the "blend it vs. stick out" arguement. The best way of saying it, in my opinion, is this: The reader's eyes should land on your ad box naturally. That's why these are common in headers and footers.

Location: Again, use channels to test these. 3 ads max with adsense per page. THIS IS IMPORTANT...If you get more clicks in ads located farther down in a page, such a the 3rd ad box, then drop one higher ad box from your page.

Better Explanation:
You have three ad boxs on your page

The order in whcih ads are presented in terms of click-money is highest at the top. Therefore, your A box might generate $2 per click while box C might generate $0.40 based on your market. If your B and C locations are giving you the best click ratio's, then drop the A box so the higher money ads are in the B box.

Test, test, and test again. Style (type/layout), Color, and Location all make a difference.

A few typical ad locations and styles produce well such as the large ad box near the top of a page. However, whenever you take up above-the-fold space, your site has a higher potential of being viewed as a make-for-adsense site and you might have more people leave or leave and never return. This all gets into the type of site you are building.

And I'm rambling again.
Nick said:
I recently moved my adsense position from right to far left and i'm seeing a significant CTR increase, although i'm using a medium rectangle (300x250).

I'm going to try switching the sidebars for a few days and see what happens.
Blogs + Adsense kind of sucks unless you have a serious volume of traffic.

However, here are a few things I do:

1. Horizontal Adlinks on top
2. Standard size banner above and below posts

Match the colors with your blog, test out different ad sizes elsewhere.

By the way, Adsense on the right column has always been one of my worst performers throughout all sites.
Andrew said:
Blogs + Adsense kind of sucks unless you have a serious volume of traffic.

However, here are a few things I do:

1. Horizontal Adlinks on top
2. Standard size banner above and below posts

Match the colors with your blog, test out different ad sizes elsewhere.

By the way, Adsense on the right column has always been one of my worst performers throughout all sites.

I have the color scheme matching right now. I'll try the horizontal across the top and see if that does anything for me. Thanks for the suggestions.
Mark said:
The blog I have with Adsense on typically gets 6-12% CTR - unfortunately it only gets 125-200 impressions a day :)
wow, that's a great CTR for a blog. congradulations!
I saw this tip elsewhere, but try reducing the number of ads. Find whatever ad location is your most popular, and only put ads there. You will get the higher paying ads so more $ per click.
Although it dosen't give you great CTR, I like the idea of having a ad at the footer of the page. A lot of times, right after the user hits the bottom of the window, they close it. The ad there gives them a chance to click on to somehwere else to find what they want, and gets you the conversion.
donn said:
Try to put the adsense between posts, as well as on the sidebar.
From what I've seen, sidebars don't convert well. Ads between posts if done right can convert well, but a lot of times just alloy users.
Ive had some success putting adsense on the side bar with the site menus with similar looking links. There is some seperation between the links and the ads, but it flows pretty well.
Put the ad into your content at the top of the post. There are ways to do it without it looking too intrusive. Here's a decent example:

You might also want to make the advertising more intrusive (front and center, first thing seen) on your archive and single post pages on the theory that those pages are going to get mostly search engine visitors, and those visitors are more likely to click.
I've found having an adlinks unit (the widest) across the top (typically under the header image), and then a banner-sized content unit under each post has done well for me.

I'm running tests on another blog where I have the banner-sized unit under the post title itself.

Sidebar ads do almost nothing for me.
kyleirwin said:
From what I've seen, sidebars don't convert well. Ads between posts if done right can convert well, but a lot of times just alloy users.
that's not always trus in some case. e.g. on forums, where you probably don't have much option on ad placement, sidebar ads performs quite well...compared to the one in the header or bottom of the page.

well, but that's just me :)

btw, i know a vbul forum that can place ads on a certain post row. where can i find such plugin for phpbb?? thx...
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