AdSense Arbitrage Ending June 1!?

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It seems its the adsense accounts that are getting closed, So does this mean if you are doing arbi with a non adwords site you will get closed or only if you are using adwords and adsense together?

I assume adwords and affiliate offers is ok because google is making money off you and instead of paying you.

Driving traffic to pages (from adwords,7search,links, ect) intended mainly for running google ads will get your account closed. Arbitrage falls under this.
This is not really for Arbitrage 2.0 like I had explained almost a year ago..

These were not your typical MFA sites... they were 2.0 type arbitrage sites. They contained multiple pages with a combination of unique content and PLR articles. Only 1 ad block was used at the top of the pages and traffic was driven via adwords.
Come the fuck on guys.

I knew this shit for months. Google wants quality content sites in it's search queries. So instead of spending a day on a fucking arbi campaign, spend 3 days in writing quality content and arbi the fuck out of it with some affiliate offers in there and some real content. They just don't want it so fricken obvious.

I do this with my travel sites that I combine arbi with affiliate offers and I have no emails and my account will not be disabled because I provide value to internet searchers with my websites.

You knew this for months and didn't tell anyone?! Wow, you're a real stand up guy. I think MAYBE what you knew was what you read in an e-book about G increasing bid prices for low QS but really couldn't put 2 and 2 together.

They want MORE than quality content or for it not to be so obvious. Not obvious is providing a WHOLE LOT MORE value than what is expected. There are people who were raking in anywhere between $10K - $70K+ per month with arbi who are scrambling to get something else set up before the end of the month. Do you believe none of them had quality content on their sites?

Oh, wait a minute... let me search back in my memory... a couple days ago I saw one of your posts where you earned $4.51. Yeah, you're a BIG player. My bad!

If it were merely about providing quality content, they wouldn't have sent out so many letters telling people their accounts were being closed with no opportunity to change anything... they're done, fini, finito, end of story, no "do-over."

If you're doing arbitrage with adwords and have adsense ads on your site, unless you're site is a top shelf authority site (which I highly doubt, based on or you have VERY useful content and a LOT of it, you would have gotten the same letter. Now maybe, if you have a very tiny CTR on adwords and a very tiny CTR on your adsense ads, you MIGHT slip under the radar.

Google had to do this because legit advertisers are abandoning ship at an alarming rate. I'm sure they didn't WANT to do it because they were making more off arbi than all of us put together, but they have to do it to preserve their advertising network. Soon, no legit advertisers would use it if they didn't do something.

Goog is a public company now. Things are different now because they have an obligation to make profits. It's a responsibility to their stock holders they cannot ignore. If the ad revenue drops, their stock value goes down with it.

So instead of spending a day on a fucking arbi campaign, spend 3 days in writing quality content and arbi the fuck out of it with some affiliate offers in there and some real content.

Reading this makes me dizzy because it just goes around in about three circles. Don't arbi... arbi... write content... promote affilite offers... :hollering: GEE-ZUS-KEY-RISTE! Make up your fuggin mind!

In the course of the past couple hours, in addition to reading and posting here, drinking beer, taking piss breaks and such, I've written 3 (count them... 3!) completely NEW and UNIQUE articles for a new site I have planned. It takes you 3 DAYS to pump out crap like is on your blog? Spend more time there and less here. See if you can get that adsense revenue up to an even $5 per day.

I do this with my travel sites that I combine arbi with affiliate offers and I have no emails and my account will not be disabled because I provide value to internet searchers with my websites.

If you have any travel sites and they're nothing but adsense ads, a few aff. offers and some lame-assed content about sunshine and sand and you're sending traffic to them via adwords, you ARE on the "hit list" my friend. At this moment you just happen to be like the chicken that hasn't yet realized its head has been cut off. :eek:

Why don't you do a little introspective thinking before posting much more or you're likely to get your parole violated for aggravated stupidity.

Yeah, I do too. But he's not talking about the typical MFA sites that are gaming the system.

If you have a MFA, scraper site, crap directory, or otherwise lower quality site and were driving traffic via adwords just to get an adsense click... adios mother-fucker!

Look, there are a dozen different ways I can think of, off the top of my head, to do effective arbitrage. Am I worried about any of this? Not at all.

Just making a point with BYA was all I was doing.
fuck who is this guy the next matt cutts?:D

thanks for the case study on me you fuck. yeah the ebook is called how did you know?:xomunch:

the 4.51 was a one day test on mr. wee's blog test dickweed, oh wait you have my pubic hair in your teeth, let me pull that out for you.:repuke:

enuff said springer. i'll challenge your ass and I think Jon should make this a priority that before someone makes a post on how to do something they post their earnings for the year. either privatley with him via PM or on this forum.

take me up on this springer? lets see who the fuck is walking the walk.

your posts bore me, go over to sitepoint you intropesective long winded nothing better to do then go through old my posts fag.:sleep:

You knew this for months and didn't tell anyone?! Wow, you're a real stand up guy. I think MAYBE what you knew was what you read in an e-book about G increasing bid prices for low QS but really couldn't put 2 and 2 together.

They want MORE than quality content or for it not to be so obvious. Not obvious is providing a WHOLE LOT MORE value than what is expected. There are people who were raking in anywhere between $10K - $70K+ per month with arbi who are scrambling to get something else set up before the end of the month. Do you believe none of them had quality content on their sites?

Oh, wait a minute... let me search back in my memory... a couple days ago I saw one of your posts where you earned $4.51. Yeah, you're a BIG player. My bad!

If it were merely about providing quality content, they wouldn't have sent out so many letters telling people their accounts were being closed with no opportunity to change anything... they're done, fini, finito, end of story, no "do-over."

If you're doing arbitrage with adwords and have adsense ads on your site, unless you're site is a top shelf authority site (which I highly doubt, based on or you have VERY useful content and a LOT of it, you would have gotten the same letter. Now maybe, if you have a very tiny CTR on adwords and a very tiny CTR on your adsense ads, you MIGHT slip under the radar.

Google had to do this because legit advertisers are abandoning ship at an alarming rate. I'm sure they didn't WANT to do it because they were making more off arbi than all of us put together, but they have to do it to preserve their advertising network. Soon, no legit advertisers would use it if they didn't do something.

Goog is a public company now. Things are different now because they have an obligation to make profits. It's a responsibility to their stock holders they cannot ignore. If the ad revenue drops, their stock value goes down with it.

Reading this makes me dizzy because it just goes around in about three circles. Don't arbi... arbi... write content... promote affilite offers... :hollering: GEE-ZUS-KEY-RISTE! Make up your fuggin mind!

In the course of the past couple hours, in addition to reading and posting here, drinking beer, taking piss breaks and such, I've written 3 (count them... 3!) completely NEW and UNIQUE articles for a new site I have planned. It takes you 3 DAYS to pump out crap like is on your blog? Spend more time there and less here. See if you can get that adsense revenue up to an even $5 per day.

If you have any travel sites and they're nothing but adsense ads, a few aff. offers and some lame-assed content about sunshine and sand and you're sending traffic to them via adwords, you ARE on the "hit list" my friend. At this moment you just happen to be like the chicken that hasn't yet realized its head has been cut off. :eek:

Why don't you do a little introspective thinking before posting much more or you're likely to get your parole violated for aggravated stupidity.
good news google gona pay more to non mfa sites

Right, and won't this get us better quality traffic from the content network? I mean, you guys with the email can figure out how to open up another account - and I'm sorry and all - but I pay for content traffic, and I'd like to know it didn't originate with goclick.
but I pay for content traffic, and I'd like to know it didn't originate with goclick.

That is the sentiment of several people I know.

If people wanted Go Click or 7search traffic, they could and would go buy it themselves.

As for Shoe Money's position. I agree and disagree with him. At the basics, pretty much all ad buying is arbitrage if you have ANYTHING on your site designed to generate revenue. So from that standpoint, no they are not going after arbitrage sites.

I do think they are going after made-for-adsense sites, and I think they are broadening what they consider a bad site. But that hits who it hits.

If you have any ADS or sell any products on your page, you are potentially partaking in arbitrage. That being said, I think traffic quality coming from 3rd tier sites will be a bigger issue.

I would warn people who think they are just going to switch to affiliate arbitrage, that pay-per-lead is significantly different then pay-per-click. You can't trick people into buying something. You might be able to bottom-feed on e-mail and zip submits, but beyond that good luck. It takes some work to actually properly convert search traffic into real paying affiliate offers. You will never make money just hoping someone accidently buys the product.
im just waiting for yahoo to come out of beta and take googles place in that market. It would be nice if they could get their shit together
let's just see how many people they ban. of those, most likely theyre owners of really hardcore crappy sites.

the big G is biased after all, since we make them money (and greedy starts with G!).
Google To Shut Down AdSense Arbitrageurs

It seems to me like just simple scraper sites are circling the drain. However, if you get some legit content on your page, you should be okay. Write a few articles or something. Don't just pack it in now!

nope, sites with original, quality content & PR are getting blasted. I was one of them. My email from G mentioned the tie in of MFA & the use of Adwords traffic as the clincher that got me banned.
nope, sites with original, quality content & PR are getting blasted. I was one of them. My email from G mentioned the tie in of MFA & the use of Adwords traffic as the clincher that got me banned.

It seems like they could have given you a warning.
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