AdSense Arbitrage Ending June 1!?

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WOW that sucks ass. Big time. >.< :mad:

So are they now going to evaluate advertisers on a page-by-page basis or what?
I got that email too.

June 1st. Not many days left for me :xomunch::xomunch::xomunch::xomunch::xomunch:
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haha when will people learn that its not the death of arbi but the evolution of arbi, times are changing fast and if you wish to continue arbi you must advance through the hard times and learn what Google wants and make them think your actually delivering it to them while still cashing in.

Its time to get creative and dynamic I've been changing my stance on arbi for a long time, as I've said in the past the days of one page arbi sites will soon be over but that does not mean the techniques or power of it will be lost.
Well, I think the "technique" of buying cheap clicks from placees that won't convert (7search, etc) is over. They are obviously looking at low conversion rates and high click through rates.
It should remain pretty easy to get cheap clicks on the content network. It just remains to be seen whether a new type of arbitrage will still be profitable. I would think sending .01 traffic to a "real" website that is monetized properly should still convert fine to make plenty of profit.

Hopefully Google will still like that business model.
This is not really for Arbitrage 2.0 like I had explained almost a year ago.. There are smart ways to do it that require some work, and then there are foolish ways to do it, that don't require much of anything. I haven't done it in a while so this doesn't really effect me anyhow, but for those doing it, I'm sure if it's something you depend on, you'll figure out how not to get screwed, and how to still provide quality traffic to the advertisers to keep them somewhat happy enough not to bitch about the lower conversion levels.
Aw crap. I was just getting started. Well, it looks like I can still do arbi with affiliate links.
Oh shit I got an email from google... oh wait, it's titled "Learn How to Make AdWords Work for You".
Come the fuck on guys.

I knew this shit for months. Google wants quality content sites in it's search queries. So instead of spending a day on a fucking arbi campaign, spend 3 days in writing quality content and arbi the fuck out of it with some affiliate offers in there and some real content. They just don't want it so fricken obvious.

I do this with my travel sites that I combine arbi with affiliate offers and I have no emails and my account will not be disabled because I provide value to internet searchers with my websites.
Make a new adsense account under a business If you get banned atleast you get paid which should cover the costs of setting pu the business atleast
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