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Adkaizen media buy team has put in the work to test and select our best offers. We're excited to present you with the perfect match:
AU zone 1454 Back Button 0.033$
AU zone 1185 Tab 0.143$
CA zone 2021 Banner 0.32$
CA zone 1094 Push 0.145$
NO zone 3015 Back Button 0.065$
NO zone 3762 Email Passing 0.47$
PL zone 1899 Back Button 0.026$
PL zone 3454 Banner 0.18$
NL zone 3437 Back Button 0.044$
NL zone 999 Email 0.4$
DK zone 3429 Popunder 0.056$
DK zone 997 Email 0.61$
Check out the results from the mediabuy team:
Adkaizen’s premium traffic combined with our unbeatable offers equals sky-high conversions!
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