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New member
Oct 8, 2006
Listening to Shoemoney and Jon I figured I'd ask..

How many people here take it?....legally of course :updown:

Whenever I take it I get 10x more work done. I feel like I can burn holes through peoples heads when I talk to them...

Anyone else? comments? Legal alternatives?

Disclaimer: I was "diagnosed" with ADD. Which according to Tom Cruise doesn't exist.

Im gonna goto my doctor soon to see if I can score some, it really helps me focus.
Okay, if I can burn holes through peoples head's with that stuff, then I want some.
Get AMP by ergopharm...NOW that is the shit. Talk about eneregy and TOTAL concentration. I use it durning workouts.
Get AMP by ergopharm...NOW that is the shit. Talk about eneregy and TOTAL concentration. I use it durning workouts.

What is that, and how to get it?
Prescription, over the counter?


Maybe some of you are actually serious about the question - so I'll try to give you a serious answer.

Basically, adderall seems like 'motivation in a bottle', at least for awhile. I used to take it in college to study for exams and it did seem to help, although you don't retain as much information as you would think.

As the use continued, I'd notice that it would be hard to study without it. Meaning, it developed to the point where I needed it to study, or else I had little to no motivation.

It is highly addictive and I would definitely recommend not getting started with it in the first place. If you do, it may become a big-time crutch. Also, you should be careful if you have heart problems or high blood pressure -- and don't mix with alcohol.
Maybe some of you are actually serious about the question - so I'll try to give you a serious answer.

Basically, adderall seems like 'motivation in a bottle', at least for awhile. I used to take it in college to study for exams and it did seem to help, although you don't retain as much information as you would think.

As the use continued, I'd notice that it would be hard to study without it. Meaning, it developed to the point where I needed it to study, or else I had little to no motivation.

It is highly addictive and I would definitely recommend not getting started with it in the first place. If you do, it may become a big-time crutch. Also, you should be careful if you have heart problems or high blood pressure -- and don't mix with alcohol.

Whah! No shit sherlock! Its a controlled-substance!

You shoundlike the forum Mom.

He's a real opinion. The drug rox. It's speed in small doses. Pop 2 10mg's and yer good to go the whole day. Pop 2-3 when you go out to a bar/club and you'll be rocking all night. Addicts are pussies. If you can't control it or become addicted to it... then that's yer fucking problem.
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I completely agree with F8l. Its like opening Pandora's box.....

Been on the stuff for 18 months or so. (before that I had it once in awhile during college.) At first its amazing..but the effects go away after awhile. Its a bitch to get off too. If you dont have it for a few days you have very very low energy.
fenryr said:
ok, where can I get that shit in germany?
Your local pharmacy I take it, or go to your doctor and go crazy in his room to look like you have ADD :p
I completely agree with F8l. Its like opening Pandora's box.....

Been on the stuff for 18 months or so. (before that I had it once in awhile during college.) At first its amazing..but the effects go away after awhile. Its a bitch to get off too. If you dont have it for a few days you have very very low energy.

Quit being a pussy. The shit is a wonder drug.
Get your facts straight

Whah! No shit sherlock! Its a controlled-substance!

You shoundlike the forum Mom.

He's a real opinion. The drug rox. It's speed in small doses. Pop 2 10mg's and yer good to go the whole day. Pop 2-3 when you go out to a bar/club and you'll be rocking all night. Addicts are pussies. If you can't control it or become addicted to it... then that's yer fucking problem.

And there go years, oops, decades of research into drug addiction. "Only weak people get addicted" is a myth. Yes, you stand a higher chance to get addicted when you are already instable, but look at the billions buying cigarettes every day.

I'd just love to try that AMP stuff, as I'll go into lifting again, hoping my tendons won't act up.

Gonna be a bitch to get my hands on it, though. We Germans are NAZIS when it comes to anything even remotely medication like...$§&/$%:censure:$%&§

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