Acai on ABC News

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was just watching CNN larry king live and oprah's personal trainer i believe it was, basically bashed it.
acai is going down fast..pull out guys pull out..

Everyone is bitching because they get there free gift for $3.95 for shipping and handling and then at the end of the month they get a $100 bill haha should have read the fine print.

Places like Facebook banned this offer as well as a few others because of just that reason.
They had some big shot from the BBB on the radio here Monday and he said that acai, grant and credit repair offers have been their top complaints lately.
kind of amusing that ABC runs this story, you know, for the good of the consumer, then has no problem running ads for the exact same acai blogs right below the article and collecting money from adSonar.
Nice. Some douchebag in the comments mentions owner of and nickeycakes (sic) as the big acai money makers. Ladies & Gentlemen, we have celebrities among us.
Someone posted this:

I found the real company behind this, check out Make Money Online It has a ton of info about them


And which of you posted this:
I can't believe Acai is getting such a bad name. If it weren't for my curiosity and happening to click on an ad for an Acai product, I never would have trimmed down in time for my wedding. I don't care what you people say about it, I think it's fantastic. You can re-bill me all you want!

Oprah's personal trainer bashed it? HAHAAHAHA

Yeah, obviously that dude knows what he's talking about.
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