About Sick Of This Healthcare Thing

Why the fuck should conservatives have to move when liberals invade, infect and destroy the best country on earth? In your dreams. That's possibly the dumbest thing I've read.

Dude, "your" country has already been invaded.....we're in the process of destroying it now from the inside out..... there's nothing you can do.

You might as well leave now.

P.S. Please, take your bible too. You can leave your.....well you have nothing valuable.....ummmm......just GTFO.

::eek:ff to go caress Lord Obama's balls::

Because it turns out that the panel that made this recommendation was appointed by the Bush administration, and the panel was created under Reagan.

Get off the Bush train dude.......Bush was fucking flawless...... He made zero mistakes and every time he is brought up in a negative context it is first....always irrelevant.....and second, totally baseless and wrong.

Get off the Bush train.....he's out of office now.


You are a fucking sheep. Please, entertain us what Obama has to do with the recommendation about mammograms?

Because it turns out that the panel that made this recommendation was appointed by the Bush administration, and the panel was created under Reagan.


Selective quoting

Here's the text just before what johu quoted:
guidelines were made in response to the Obama administration’s wish to save health care dollars

That was quite a biased post there buddy. Nice try though.
conservatives were soundly voted out of office. the people spoke.

Why the fuck should conservatives have to move when liberals invade, infect and destroy the best country on earth? In your dreams. That's possibly the dumbest thing I've read.
conservatives were soundly voted out of office. the people spoke.

Don't you remember the liberal invasion of 2008?


I remember it like it was yesterday. We lost a lot of good men.
Selective quoting

Here's the text just before what johu quoted:

That was quite a biased post there buddy. Nice try though.
I have the selective quoting?
What you quoted:
guidelines were made in response to the Obama administration’s wish to save health care dollars .

Let's quote the FULL quote you quoted (emphasis added on what you conveniently left out):
Republicans and some groups, like the American College of Radiology, said the guidelines were made in response to the Obama administration’s wish to save health care dollars.
The article says that Republicans (who of course don't like Obama), and radiologists (who have money to lose by doing fewer mammograms) claim that the recommendation was made because of that. The article doesn't state that the guidelines were done for that reason.

Try your selective quoting bullshit again...
I have the selective quoting?
What you quoted:

Let's quote the FULL quote you quoted (emphasis added on what you conveniently left out):
The article says that Republicans (who of course don't like Obama), and radiologists (who have money to lose by doing fewer mammograms) claim that the recommendation was made because of that. The article doesn't state that the guidelines were done for that reason.

Try your selective quoting bullshit again...

Whatever helps you sleep tonight. Just next time you want to blame Republicans for Obama's fuck-ups, make sure the article doesn't say anything about Obama's failed policies painting the panel into a corner (as this one states). Makes you look like a propagandist douche.
It saddens me that my fellow Americans are actually arguing over two pieces of shit (the left and the right, Obama and McCain, etc and etc). The fact that people think anyone running in 08 (save for Ron Paul) was worthy of the presidency is disheartening. Not a damn one of them understands the constitution and the fact that the constitution isn't there to put limits on the people, it's there to put limits on the government. Not let me end this right here:

The Federal Governement, and for all intensive purposes, the Obama Administration, has ZERO authority to institute a health plan. Congress has ZERO authority to institute a health plan. Care to know why? The 10th Amendment, which states:

The Motherfucking Constitution said:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

There you have it. Obama is horrible, McCain is horrible. 99% of congress is horrible, and this country is fucking doomed. Get back to work.
It saddens me that my fellow Americans are actually arguing over two pieces of shit (the left and the right, Obama and McCain, etc and etc). The fact that people think anyone running in 08 (save for Ron Paul) was worthy of the presidency is disheartening. Not a damn one of them understands the constitution and the fact that the constitution isn't there to put limits on the people, it's there to put limits on the government. Not let me end this right here:

The Federal Governement, and for all intensive purposes, the Obama Administration, has ZERO authority to institute a health plan. Congress has ZERO authority to institute a health plan. Care to know why? The 10th Amendment, which states:

There you have it. Obama is horrible, McCain is horrible. 99% of congress is horrible, and this country is fucking doomed. Get back to work.

Whatever helps you sleep tonight. Just next time you want to blame Republicans for Obama's fuck-ups, make sure the article doesn't say anything about Obama's failed policies painting the panel into a corner (as this one states). Makes you look like a propagandist douche.
So this is an Obama fuckup? People like you who ignore facts, and blame an independent panel's (appointed by the last administration, even) recommendation on Obama, underscore the mob mentality of paranoid conservatives bitter that a democrat is in power.

Did I blame this decision on the Bush administration? No, I underscored the fact that this panel is independent of the party in power. Did I say it was a fuckup? No - I'm not a doctor, and haven't done scientific research to prove the efficacy of certain tests.

Is this an attempt to lower costs by any administration? Well, since I'd assume majority of mammogram expenses from age 40-50 are covered by private insurers (as Medicare hasn't kicked in yet), I'd question anyone claiming it's a political issue, by either party (Dems to reduce healthcare costs for a public option, or Republicans for reducing costs on private insurers).
There you have it. Obama is horrible, McCain is horrible. 99% of congress is horrible, and this country is fucking doomed. Get back to work.
Lookie here! We have an idealist who takes the constitution's word for what it says!

Good point, but we're so beyond that point that there's absolutely no going back. The constitution doesn't give the feds authority to regulate air traffic, automobile mileage standards, education requirements, trading markets, pollution, etc., but they do...
So this is an Obama fuckup? People like you who ignore facts, and blame an independent panel's (appointed by the last administration, even) recommendation on Obama, underscore the mob mentality of paranoid conservatives bitter that a democrat is in power.

Did I blame this decision on the Bush administration? No, I underscored the fact that this panel is independent of the party in power. Did I say it was a fuckup? No - I'm not a doctor, and haven't done scientific research to prove the efficacy of certain tests.

Is this an attempt to lower costs by any administration? Well, since I'd assume majority of mammogram expenses from age 40-50 are covered by private insurers (as Medicare hasn't kicked in yet), I'd question anyone claiming it's a political issue, by either party (Dems to reduce healthcare costs for a public option, or Republicans for reducing costs on private insurers).

I think you're missing the obvious point of my post: The panel had to play what hand they were dealt by Obama given the limited resources available to them. You decided to hop back on the blame Bush bandwagon and revert back into the knee-jerk attack mode ingrained in your ideals.

Quit blaming Bush for shit Obama has had a whole year to screw up.
I think you're missing the obvious point of my post: The panel had to play what hand they were dealt by Obama given the limited resources available to them.
Who, beside the republicans and a radiologist association said that Obama gave the panel any directive? The panel said no directive was given, and I don't see any reason why Bush appointees would lie to make Obama look better. You don't seem to be getting my point that this is a non-political decision.
I think you're missing the obvious point of my post: The panel had to play what hand they were dealt by Obama given the limited resources available to them. You decided to hop back on the blame Bush bandwagon and revert back into the knee-jerk attack mode ingrained in your ideals.

Quit blaming Bush for shit Obama has had a whole year to screw up.

Bush got us into this mess, Obama is adding gasoline to the fire. Both are humongous fuckups.
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Bush got us into this mess, Obama is adding gasoline to the fire. Both are humongous fuckups.

Yes, but Bush is no more. Obama is the Great Messiah, why didn't he fix everything like he promised? Why didn't he clean up Washington and establish a new era of transparency?

The Obama freaks continue to blame the past administration because they can't make good on their promises and need a diversion.