About Sick Of This Healthcare Thing

Lex Leto

Sophomore Member
Oct 29, 2009
Read this:

Wow! What a shock to hear abou the new guidelines for mammograms. I was diagnosed at age 44 by a mammogram that indicated a cluster of microcalcifications that turned out to be invasive breast cancer that had already spread to lymph nodes and liver. There was nothing on the previous mammo. I do not know if I could have lived until age 50 or not with my IDC and I do not care to find out.

I will always be an advocate for early detection by the best tool we have available - mammograms

Here is my story:
Let me begin by saying that I am NOT in a high risk category. However, I was diagnosed with a rare type of Breast Cancer in Aug. 2008 (triple negative - only affects 15% of bc patients). The cancer was first discovered on a mammogram (I was age 44 at the time) and it was very agressive. It had already spread to lymph nodes throughout my chest and collarbone area and I also had 8 or more tumors in my liver. Thanks to quick work by my team of doctors (gynecologist, surgeon and oncologist) I am now in complete remission! Yes, I did chemotherapy (and am still on chemo today as a a biweekly maintenance).

I was fortunate to be able continue to work full time as a 5th grade public school teacher throughout my treatments. Yes, I lost my hair (it is now back) and was very tired but I never was actually sick even though I was on a very strong regimen. The new chemos and antinausea meds. are much easier to tolerate.

Take a look at breastcancer.org and you will see that there are quite a large number of breast cancer patients/survivors under the age of 50! You will be amazed at the stories and support there. I fear that this is just the beginning of a reduction of quality of medical care/benefits for American citizens. What next...will insurance stop paying for treatments?
This is terrifying to us whose lives depend on early detection.

My mom wrote that to all the major news networks regarding the new mammogram policies. Check out Google News if you have no idea what I'm talking about. This shit is getting ridiculous. Wake up America.

My mom wrote that to all the major news networks regarding the new mammogram policies. Check out Google News if you have no idea what I'm talking about. This shit is getting ridiculous. Wake up America.

Since the "gubment" is going to be paying for everyone's health care, we need to kill off some folks, otherwise it'll be too damn expensive.

Thank God for a government that cares for us better than we can take care of ourselves! :banana_sml:
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Hell yes. I purchased 500 Ron Paul '08 stickers last year and covered a brick wall at my dormitory with them. And I'm a strong supporter for him in 2012. Fingers crossed.
I wish politics weren't so peoplecentic. Why does every idea need to have a spokesperson, so we can attack the person and ignore the idea? It doesn't matter who it matters what. And what we need to do is sort this crap out.

So glorious!! :bowdown:


I wish I could just get rid of my brain and have a direct feed to whatever Obama thinks.

Why would I need to think for myself while this man exists?

Popeye needs to be IP banned for Barman's next banhammer. He's a racist troll.

Yep, I don't believe in a corupt government taking my money and my freedom...so I am a racist? This isn't Huffpost, so take your fuckin liberal bullshit and so circle jerk with those fools.
Popeye: If it's such a problem, why not move?
There are plenty of countries out there where the political ideology you embrace is what runs the country, and has been running it for some time. Lichtenstein comes to mind.
It also has a kick arse name.

Why the fuck should conservatives have to move when liberals invade, infect and destroy the best country on earth? In your dreams. That's possibly the dumbest thing I've read.
You are a fucking sheep. Please, entertain us what Obama has to do with the recommendation about mammograms?

Because it turns out that the panel that made this recommendation was appointed by the Bush administration, and the panel was created under Reagan.

The health and human services secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, distancing herself from the group’s recommendations, told CNN on Wednesday, “This panel was appointed by the prior administration, by former President George Bush.”