A world made of glass: A nice look at the future

I just want my entire wall to be a high def screen, so I can put different movie wall pictures up. One of the ocean, one of a top floor balcony view in new york...get bored switch it to a view of the mountains...at parties switch it to a stripper club view.

Have a ceiling screen with all the stars, switch it to mirror mode when banging my wife....ah yes, the near future could be nice.
It would be cool to have windows that could create a winter mountain scene or the beach or something, but shit, facebook on everything? fuck no.
A nice look at the future? You are fucking insane. This is Huxley's brave new world full of empty superfluous shit. How exactly is a technocratic slave dystopia nice? All I need is some nature not fucking, iRobot. Fuck off you mindless PISS-ANTS, you are a fucking animal not an insect, don't forget it.
As much as this view of the future would be quite cool, i cant help but think this is what Steve Jobs' wet dreams looked like.

As for visions of the future...


The truth is, by the time shit like this becomes a reality we'll have ran out of oil and it'll be more like Mad Max than Minority Report.
Using oil for powering cars/plants is a giant fucking waste.

1) It is far less efficient than other sources of power.

2) It produces wastes.

3) It can be used for far better purposes.

If you think that oil is essential for the survival of humanity, you are very wrong. It is pushed down our throats by greedy corporations. Also there are far more reserve than you believe.

FYI when big car manufactoring companies started out they tested different kinds of engines. The electrical performed better than the internal combustion engine at every single category. They stilled used the ICE and through the years more researched was done and that is the reason ICEs are more advanced now.

That is beginning to shift now. Solar, wind and tidal energy is where it's at. Pure, renewable energy. See the new i series from BMW. They are gonna be released in 2013.

Future is closer than you think.

Flying cars though won't happen soon, I think. I can see it more like in "I, Robot".
I'm not saying we cant survive without oil, i beleive we can. Although we've became far too dependant on it that when it does run out, the shit will hit the fan.

I'm just saying tech like this wont be available without oil. We NEED oil to make shit like plastic and the majority of components that would go into technology like this.
They can make Plastics out of Algae. No oil needed.

When Oil is too scarce people will revolt to demand tech like LENR, which will of course be held back until that date.

BTW; Part two was better:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZkHpNnXLB0]A Day Made of Glass 2: Same Day. Expanded Corning Vision. - YouTube[/ame]
I can't wait.

The info behind the vids:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-GXO_urMow"]A Day Made of Glass 2: Unpacked. The Story Behind Corning's Vision. - YouTube[/ame]
in 1994 my brother came out of the shower but forgot that he used the hot water steam to stick a picture to the tile wall inside the shower.

It was a picture of a girl that he had a crush on in high school, ripped out of the year book.

...the convenience and avoided embarrasment that a glass future would have provided.
in 1994 my brother came out of the shower but forgot that he used the hot water steam to stick a picture to the tile wall inside the shower.

It was a picture of a girl that he had a crush on in high school, ripped out of the year book.

...the convenience and avoided embarrasment that a glass future would have provided.

Until some OS bug sticks it up on ALL the glass in the house while he's in the shower!!

1. if the white race goes extinct in the the near future due to mass integration, how will the knowledge exist to create such a world? just sayin..

2. Does this mean slingshots will be illegal? Drive by rocking?