A search engine for the black community - fo sho

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Lack of prominence of the term African-American is because the term itself bullshit to begin with. Who the hell hyphenates American? We're all Americans. If they don't want to be Americans then they can be Africans but there most certainly makes no sense to make them both. None of them has ever even seen Africa FWIW.

We keep hyphenating this shit and soon we'll be categorizing (and stereotyping) people into their own little sub-species

Gay-Americans, Dyke-Americans, Special-Americans (for the retards), etc.

preach on, brotha

But you do see Chinese and Greek and Italian and African and every other type of search engines out there.

1) As marketers you should see the obvious opportunity in this niche. Something smacks of hipocracy when you readily see the genius in midget fucking niches but not this obvious goldmine.

2)How about this? Black women's asses are bigger, I have a freind who buys jeans in africa and sells them here. Would not this site be a good place for her to advertise?

3) Many blacks in the United States are facing a particular set of challenges. Best wishes to anyone who attempts to meet them.

That said, I went to international schools as a child, have lived in numerous countries, and don't share many of the hangups about race that Americans of all colors seem to have.

My mother on the other hand, remembers growing up in a small southern town where white men in pickup trucks roamed the streets at night looking for black women to rape and kill, and black men to just kill. In fact, she gets disturbed every time she sees a truck with white men in it; because of this, so am I to a much lesser degree.

My Grandmother grew up in a time when black people could be killed in broad daylight for no crime at all.

My Great grandmother grew up just outside of a time when black people in this country were traded like Pokemon cards are today.

It is the legacy of the institutional failure, and outright collusion, of the United States at this time that still haunts many Black Americans today.

Perhaps this legacy prevents a "white entertainment television" from taking off just now.

But rest assured, as the white population continues to decline, you'll get your wish for explicitly all white entertainment venues.

As for me, I would like to spend a few years in Africa, just to get the experience of walking through a throng of similar looking people in racial anonymity.

Things to do in Djibouti when you're dead.
My Great grandmother grew up just outside of a time when black people in this country were traded like Pokemon cards are today.

I'll trade you a Denzel Washington and a Queen Latifa for your Eddie Murphy Rookie card




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