A search engine for the black community - fo sho

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Love the dog
Oct 3, 2006
Time to buy some ringtone ads

RushmoreDrive Discover more here.

Launched in April 2008, RushmoreDrive is a first-of-its-kind search engine for the Black community. We deliver a blend of mainstream search results plus a layer of more relevant search results influenced by the Black community. RushmoreDrive is where the Black community goes to find the best search results.
RushmoreDrive News enables the Black community to find news headlines from the entire World Wide Web, including well known Black media, blogs and countless relevant online voices, as well as recognized mainstream news sources.
At RushmoreDrive you will also find a feature-rich job networks community where members can create a professional profile, find job opportunities, and create job networks online. RushmoreDrive’s easy-to-use job networking tool will help members unlock the power in their professional connections.
RushmoreDrive is the starting point and the destination for its users to find what is most relevant to the Black community.

Every black person I know doesn't give a shit about racial differences - we're all the same so we should all have the same stuff and not segregate because of color.

Yet you don't see any white people search engines.
Every black person I know doesn't give a shit about racial differences - we're all the same so we should all have the same stuff and not segregate because of color.

Yet you don't see any white people search engines.

Or a 'White Coalition' or a 'United Whiteboy College Fund' .... heaven forbid, we'd be racists if we had that.
you're on to something

Or a 'White Coalition' or a 'United Whiteboy College Fund' .... heaven forbid, we'd be racists if we had that.
Yeah organized reverse discrimination and segregation is okay, in fact its considered a noble charity cause. I had to look through dozens of those scholarship programs back in college most required you to be a minority (is 23% still a minority?). Yet none of my black friends in college had any of those types of scholarships or grants even though most of the requirements were simply to be black or be hispanic beyond a certain percentage.

Honestly, if the KKK would of offered me a full ride scholarship back in college I would of thrown on that white robe so fast it'd make martin luther king roll in his grave.

On a side note that is a great site. They did a good job on it.
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Yeah organized reverse discrimination and segregation is okay, in fact its considered a noble charity cause. I had to look through dozens of those scholarship programs back in college most required you to be a minority (is 23% still a minority?). Yet none of my black friends in college had any of those types of scholarships or grants even though most of the requirements were simply to be black or be hispanic beyond a certain percentage.

Honestly, if the KKK would of offered me a full ride scholarship back in college I would of thrown on that white robe so fast it'd make martin luther king roll in his grave.

In reality it does nothing to help those that it was set up for since any type of affirmative action quota scholarship program is actually mismatching the beneficiary with a college education that might otherwise be a poor fit for them, hence they fail or drop out, all while blocking a slot for another well-deserving candidate.

A true misappropriation of educational resources for the sake of making political statements.
Fuck I'm gonna make WET (White entertainment television) fill it with stuff from stuffwhitepeoplelike.com

Bam i'll be rich!!!!
Oh, snap. I was just doing kw research for content to flesh out an African-American relevant domain I picked up, and was really amazed at how under-served that particular segment is as far as results:search ratios. I think a search engine targeted to AA interests would do very well.

Check out these WT+Google results (note that stuff like "african american wedding planners" and "african american hairstyles" and that kind of thing were edited out -- consumer-relevant stuff was not relevant to the site being put up.)

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Note in particular "african american search engine" -- thousands of searches a month, just 1130 SERP results for exact match.

There are also some interesting differences between "african american" and "african-american" as far as search volume on otherwise identical phrases go. Just a brief example, without the hyphens get searches like "is mariah carey african american" and with gets searches like "was eli whitney african-american."

Lack of prominence of the term African-American is because the term itself bullshit to begin with. Who the hell hyphenates American? We're all Americans. If they don't want to be Americans then they can be Africans but there most certainly makes no sense to make them both. None of them has ever even seen Africa FWIW.

We keep hyphenating this shit and soon we'll be categorizing (and stereotyping) people into their own little sub-species

Gay-Americans, Dyke-Americans, Special-Americans (for the retards), etc.
Totally irrelevant to the topic at hand -- a lack of the term "African-American" is not what I was observing. Both "African American" and "African-American" get used a lot in search queries; although the former is more common for most given phrasesets, what actually struck me was the overall difference in the terms that the two didn't have in common (and the fact that across a broad subset of search queries there seem to be very few competing pages in the SERPs.)

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