A plee of support for a good friend. Tweets, donations or FB likes

$2,164.85 and counting! Thanks guys!

I've been drinking (the pain away) but I would like to give you the little update that I have.

He's still a little fucked up and is not in any kind of shape to be taken off of the ventilation machine yet. They've been trying to take him out of the sedation, but because of his need to be ventilated, they are upping the dosage again. This is dangerous because it is not advisable to be ventilated for more than 7 days and this will be the seventh day he's been using that machine. The good news is that they've switch where they have the IV attached and it seems to have decreased his blood loss. Apparently, if you do it wrong that shit will leak.

That is all I know for now. Thanks for your support.

The doctors have removed all manner of intubation and feeding tubes, and Fred can now breath and eat on his own. This means that he is no longer higher than, well, most everyone here but hellblazer and is slowly starting to figure out for himself the ordeal that he is going through.

We weren't allowed to visit him today, but we will see him on Tuesday and I will let you know more about his condition. Thanks again for the awesomes.
So I visited Fred last night. He's doing great so far. He's talking and eating on his own, and even walking his own ass to the bathroom.

He's got his phone back, here's a picture that he posted to Facebook this morning.


I was going to get a spoon pic but he knocked the fuck out before I remembered to do it.

Also, $2600 has been donated, which is fucking cool.