A plee of support for a good friend. Tweets, donations or FB likes


New member
Oct 14, 2008
So Cal
Four years ago I started my first business with a Mr. Justin Johnson. Although we have gone seperate ways since then, I still owe a lot to him (after all it's how I got the entrepreneurial bug). I mention him because tonight he asked for help. His cousin (fred) was in an accident this week and they are trying to raise funds to help in his recovery costs.

This is Fred, and he needs your help.

I realize that this may seem like a strange forum (pun!) to ask for help. Although I am mostly a lurker, I consider this my community.

Please consider donating (it is Christmas after all!) but at the very least please tweet the site, sending it a like, or even just flame me for posting this thread (every bump is worth something).

If nothing else, leave some words for Justin (osamabinbbq on WF) in the thread . The more support he sees the better.


Although I don't have a wealth of resources at my fingertips, I can offer the following to people who reach out and help monetarily.

Guest Posts on SEOrigami.org (on topic, IM/SEO related)
Added to the Resource List on SEOrigami (again on topic)
Link on My old Design Company Website (local design service providers would be good fit)
Link on one of my drop domain sites (no porn)
Link on one of my female "at home mom" niche sites. (must fit the niche)
Link to a porn site on a porn tumblr (ranks well)
Tweet from my account @greatfulbread
Just hit me up for anything else I can do.

This is Fred, and he needs your help.

(if you donate, PM me and ill ask the paypal owner to verify your email)

And lastly to pay penance for a "please help me post"







- Julian
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Reactions: OsamaBinBBQ

Plus one Internets for everyone.

His surgery (yesterday) went better than anyone could have expected. His liver was returned to where it belongs, his diaphragm (which previously contained his liver) was repaired, and his collapsed lung was re-inflated.

His diaphragm was torn, and we're told that usually when that happens, it is difficult to repair due to where it normal tears. However, luckily his tore in a spot where the muscle is thick, so it was easily stitched and will heal nicely. Thankfully, his lung was not punctured, but just somehow deflated, perhaps from a strong blow to his body.

His outstanding injuries are two cracked vertebra, a fractured pelvis, a few cracked ribs, and many cuts and bruises the size of cats. Thankfully, he has no spinal cord, neck or head damage and still has full control over all of his limbs.

He's healing nicely, though it will take a couple of months before he is fully recovered, and should be brought back to consciousness and out of sedation tomorrow or Saturday.

As for the donation efforts, we've reached 1.4K in 24 hours. He'll need much more to cover what are likely to be astronomical hospital bills (unless he can be saved by Obamacare) and to replace his car (completely totalled), but me, my wife, and his parents are so thankful for and are completely overwhelmed by the response.

He'll be saving homeless Cambodian cats in no time. Thank you all again. It means worlds to me and my family.
Thank you for the update!

So a few service providers have offered some incentives for this. Gael is helping me put this together and we should have details soon!
I just found out this morning that he still has internal bleeding from an unidentified source and has had to have one (maybe two?) blood transfusions. That's all I know for now.
Just sent some money. If Fred needs any surgery after he gets out of the hospital, consider this place:

Surgery Center of Oklahoma

They list all of their prices online and it's 1/10 to 1/5 of competing hospital prices. The only downside is that it's in Oklahoma but if he's in good enough condition to be transported it might be worth it. I'd also try to negotiate the outrageous hospital bill down. They really rape people with insurance. It's a racket.
