A Game of Thrones tv series


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Did anyone see the first episode yet? The book series are probably my favourite fantasy, but I'm not really sure about this one yet. On one hand it looks great and seems well cast and written but on the other hand it focuses heavily on a bunch of kids, (yeah I know the book does too) and kids usually annoy me on TV.

I'm also glad that they didnt skimp out on the violence and sex, it would feel pretty lame if they did.

Any other GRRM fans on here? What did you think?

First episode wasn't too bad. It is going to take a while to get everything laid out but HBO usually does pretty good with their series. Looking forward to seeing more.
Looks good - I am reading the first book at the moment though, so won't watch it til after that.

Am more excited about the Total War GoT mod though - whenever it comes out.
Just caught the pilot episode last night and it looks very promising. I haven't read the book series, so I'm hoping the female actresses get some stronger roles (like the blonde chick that got traded off into marriage and didn't fight back - though I laughed at what her brother said about fucking the entire army).
I'm watching it the first episode was pretty good but didn't really grab me and pull me in yet but that's ok for these type of shows I usually give them a few episodes to grab me as they typically take a bit longer to develop the characters and get the viewer interested.

Also I haven't read the books only heard they're pretty good so I don't know what to expect.
good show so far. alot of different things going on - to be layed out. Love the titties though!
Yeah me n' my wife watched it, definitely didn't see that ending coming.. I think they did that just to really "launch" the series with a bang; they really played it off like that kid was going to be a main character.
Yeah me n' my wife watched it, definitely didn't see that ending coming.. I think they did that just to really "launch" the series with a bang; they really played it off like that kid was going to be a main character.

I don't see him dying, it was only a couple stories up. You can survive a 4 story drop. I see him getting really injured and then telling about the king's wife and her brother fucking to his mother and they suspecting that those two were behind the mother's step-brother getting killed.
I don't see him dying, it was only a couple stories up. You can survive a 4 story drop. I see him getting really injured and then telling about the king's wife and her brother fucking to his mother and they suspecting that those two were behind the mother's step-brother getting killed.

Interesting.. I wondered about the possibility the kid could still be alive, that'd be quite a twist.
I could be wrong and he could die, but it just doesn't make sense from a plot perspective to go through the trouble of developing his character, showing the climbing scenes, introduce the kid finding that secret out, and then taking him out of the picture and letting that couple get away with it.

I do agree with you that it would make for quite a twist and wasn't expecting that at the end of the episode. I think it's going to do wonders to spread the word of the show and have it go viral. I mean, just look at us talking about it. The writers really thought this out.
I bet he landed on the wolf. The wolf was the family totem and they did a cut away of the wolf below the boy.

And yes, it was probably one of the best first episodes of a show I have seen... You know the show is full of twisted fucks. Reminds me of the old show Caligula.
Just caught the pilot episode last night and it looks very promising. I haven't read the book series, so I'm hoping the female actresses get some stronger roles (like the blonde chick that got traded off into marriage and didn't fight back - though I laughed at what her brother said about fucking the entire army).

The social setting is medieval and fairly "realistic", as far as you can call a fantasy realistic, so here wont be many Xenas running around. Yes there are powerful and important female roles, but except for a couple, most are powerful by being attached to a powerful dude or position and plotting and manipulating behind his back. It could be hard to cram that into a TV series.
I personally loved the whole book series (read it a couple times actually), shows how cool I am.... anyways, thought the show was an ok start, but if you didn't read the books, it could be kinda confusing. There's a lot of structure that has to be put into place. That being said, some of the acting was down right awful, but hopefully that can improve as the characters become more defined... we'll have to see....

Didn't expect that much nudity but hey, I ain't complaining..
heard amazing things about the book from a good friend that loves fantasy.

I was a big fan of LOTR, so I will watch this. Hopefully this is similar?
I thought it was great, and I've never heard of the books..

Ps, Jared, yes I saw one episode of 'Shameless'. One of the most horribly disappointing series in a long time. Love William H Macey. Hate that show.