911 Imam shows true colors





you all piss and moan about never hearing any muslims speaking out against radical islamists. then when anyone shows you examples, you come up with some other bullshit excuse to deny.

No excuses here. I stated earlier that I don't believe them. Thier cult asks them to decieve the infidels, to further their cause. That and you can't talk out of your ass and mouth at the same time and people with any comman sense believe you.

You can't support Hamas and denounce terrorism in the same sentance. Most of you liberals have probably never even spoke to a Muslim much less a Muslim living outside of the West.
Be careful you get shunned around these parts for speaking the truth.

And I'm with popeye I think it's absolutely hilarious that you liberals are so quick to bash anything Christian/Jewish but when it comes to defending Muslims you guys do a fucking 180. Again check out Digg/Reddit, perfect example of a huge populace of people whose IQ's are just as low as the people here defending Muslims but are so quick to bash Christianity.

I mean fuck like I said I understand they have the right to build it there, but when you liberal idiots do a 180 and support them no matter what but tear down Christians every chance you get you just sound like a true moron. Not just a liberal (that's bad enough in its own right), but you aren't even on the same intellectual level as us because you hold different religions to different standards. I would love to hear one of you guys comment on that. I mean if you can admit you have a problem with Christianity moreso than other religions fine, I'll take that. But don't come spewing your nonsense all over the place acting like you are some knight on a white horse riding in to protect the Islams from discrimination. Seriously fuck that shit.

A true "180" would be this:

A. Muslims have the right to build a mosque on their private property.

B. Christians do not have the right to build a church on their private property.

Here is another "180":

A. Muslims are sane, tolerant, and tip like kings.

B. Christians are nutty, racist, hate gays, and tip poorly.

This is not a "180":

A. Muslims have the right to build a mosque on their private property.

B. Christians are nutty, racist, hate gays, and tip poorly.

This is reason:

Both groups have members that are individually nutty, sane, racist, tolerant, and tip badly or well. Likewise, both groups have the right to build on their private property.

You're ranting in broad strokes.

Is it insensitive to build a mosque near GO? Sure. Is it less insensitive to build a Japanese-owned sushi shack near Pearl Harbor? Would it be insensitive to build a Walmart in Nagasaki? I dunno. I don't get into the emotional stuff. I'm not good at it. For me, all the sensitivity makes simple stuff overly-complex.
Most of you liberals have probably never even spoke to a Muslim much less a Muslim living outside of the West.

lol... Says the guy that lives in Oklahoma. I seriously doubt you know any Muslims. When's the last time you had hummus bi tahini with your Muslim neighbor? Never? Oh, I just got back a few minutes ago from it.
lol... Says the guy that lives in Oklahoma. I seriously doubt you know any Muslims. When's the last time you had hummus bi tahini with your Muslim neighbor? Never? Oh, I just got back a few minutes ago from it.
I always knew you were a terrorist sympathiser subigo. It always starts with a bit of hummus, then next thing you know you're in hamas.
Is it insensitive to build a mosque near GO? Sure.

I think that is the argument here. I am not saying they don't have the right to do it, of course they do and if I was a supreme court judge you bet I would stick up for them no matter how hard it is. I am all for the constitution and I don't believe it should be bent under any circumstance. That includes this, they have the right to build it there and if they really want to then again, that is their right.

Will it get me and several million other Americans pissed? Abso-fucking-lutely. You said you don't get into the emotional stuff, well that is retarded. Obama and this Imam, and several other world leaders are messing around with stuff like this to "Better Relations" with various countries and cultures. And if you think a LARGE part of that isn't emotional, you're crazy. If you don't want to get into it, that is perfectly fine with me. But the fact is SOME people have to deal with it because a lot of foreign relations are nothing more than emotionally based. To say leaving emotions out of something like this, especially when they claim the goal is to better relations with the west, well is fucking retarded.
Will it get me and several million other Americans pissed? Abso-fucking-lutely.
Well that's the point. It shouldn't offend because it has nothing to do with the terrorist attacks. As an athiest and an anti-theist, I hate defending any religion, but what I hate more is ignorance. A mosque does not equal a terrorist training camp. It amazes me that people are getting offended, it shows how people have no fucking clue. If I were a muslim I'd be pissed off that people are pissed off about this mosque being built.

This is like the equivalent of getting outraged by the construction of a church near a klu klux klax murder site. It makes no fucking sense. Completely irrational.
Well that's the point. It shouldn't offend because it has nothing to do with the terrorist attacks.

Maybe I didn't explain myself, I am not pissed because its an Islam church, I am angry because they are blatantly trying to go against the wishes of millions of people. Even if they are not justified in their thought process, they still should respect their wishes.

I would have no problem with this if they got away from all the "We are doing it to better our relations with the West". Talk about a joke. You guys are a marketing community you should understand regardless of how irrational people's fears are, they way to get them on your side isn't to just disregard their feelings, I mean that is just plain stupidity and asking for trouble.
Well that's the point. It shouldn't offend because it has nothing to do with the terrorist attacks. As an athiest and an anti-theist, I hate defending any religion, but what I hate more is ignorance. A mosque does not equal a terrorist training camp. It amazes me that people are getting offended, it shows how people have no fucking clue. If I were a muslim I'd be pissed off that people are pissed off about this mosque being built.

This is like the equivalent of getting outraged by the construction of a church near a klu klux klax murder site. It makes no fucking sense. Completely irrational.

It has everything to do with islam. The terrorist attacks were done in the name of islam. The fucking hijackers were reading from the koran as the planes flew into the buildings. It has everything to do with islam, what the hell do you mean the terrorist attacks have nothing to do with islam? The vast majority of terror attacks across the globe are directly connected to islam.

EDIT: please save the "small minority" speech, cause I know that's whats coming next
It has everything to do with islam. The terrorist attacks were done in the name of islam. The fucking hijackers were reading from the koran as the planes flew into the buildings. It has everything to do with islam, what the hell do you mean the terrorist attacks have nothing to do with islam? The vast majority of terror attacks across the globe are directly connected to islam.

EDIT: please save the "small minority" speech, cause I know that's whats coming next

You should read what he said again, because you just proved his point.
Eh I guess this argument isn't going anywhere.

Something I hope you all can agree with, even the liberals defending this, one way to exacerbate the tension between any two groups of people is to piss a large group of people of one of the groups off (i.e. the millions who are against this Mosque going up so close to G.O.). No matter how irrational their prejudices are towards Muslims, the fact remains the same, this is not going to help their cause of "bettering their relations with us". I don't give a flying fuck if they have the right to or not, of course they do and like I said I would even defend if it I was the judge. I believe in freedom of religion, no matter how insane your religion is (i.e. Westboro baptist church).

The fact of the matter is the Christians you guys are so quick to hate on have what we call tact:


The pope could have let them stay there, after all it was their right. But you know what the difference is (minus the fact in the recent years they haven't been trying to murder thousands, and yes I realize it is a small majority, but what you dumbfucks don't realize is there is no "small majority" of Christians that have been trying to murder thousands recently, negating your argument saying the two religions are on the same level of fucked-up-ness) the Christians knew there are just some battles not worth fighting. Hell most of you probably didn't even know the pope did that because you're too busy reading Digg or Reddit, but he did that when there was little controversy. Here you have millions of people in America up in arms, something hitting the papers everyday, and they still could give a fuck. Yeah again I know its their right, but sometimes it is just better to let things go. And the fact they aren't listening to to millions (again no matter how rational or irrational that fear is) just shows how out of touch they are with reality.

So I'm going to compare the Christians and Islam by saying the Christians have more respect for others simply because they knew when to lay off, and the fucking Islams don't. So fuck you with an aids dick if you can't agree with that because you're probably too stupid to even understand what a "good PR move" would be.
No, it really doesn't. But keep thinking that...

Sure it does. There are terrorist attacks worldwide on a daily basis and they are being done in the name of islam. How can you say that the mass amounts of terror attacks done by muslims in the name of their religion have nothing to do with islam? It has everything to do with islam, islam is what is breeding these killers and terrorists. This isn't an isolated incident, it's happening worldwide on a daily basis and it's all directly because of islam.
Sure it does. There are terrorist attacks worldwide on a daily basis and they are being done in the name of islam. How can you say that the mass amounts of terror attacks done by muslims in the name of their religion have nothing to do with islam? It has everything to do with islam, islam is what is breeding these killers and terrorists. This isn't an isolated incident, it's happening worldwide on a daily basis and it's all directly because of islam.

If you think that then you should be against all mosques being built, not just this one.
lol... Says the guy that lives in Oklahoma. I seriously doubt you know any Muslims. When's the last time you had hummus bi tahini with your Muslim neighbor? Never? Oh, I just got back a few minutes ago from it.

While tahini is hard to find here I still make the best hummus around. When was the last time you sit on the floor and ate with a Iraqi warlord and 15 of his entourage?
While tahini is hard to find here I still make the best hummus around. When was the last time you sit on the floor and ate with a Iraqi warlord and 15 of his entourage?

Last Tuesday. Boy, I love Tuesdays!

As a religious person, do you really want government telling a religion where they can worship? Regardless of reason, do you want that interference?
As a religious person, do you really want government telling a religion where they can worship? Regardless of reason, do you want that interference?

Course most in this thread would be like 'But christians are not a violent group bent on destroying america so they wouldn't be interfering cuz its our constitutional right to worship' and something like that, yet they don't expect muslims to be able to say the same. A lot of gangs are minority, maybe we should prohibit sales of guns to minorities cuz they have a good chance of being in a gang with a gun? (I was being sarcastic for anyone who wants to take that last part seriously).