^90,749 & 4 Clicks= What's Wrong Please?!^

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
I have a question, please help a damsel in distress!

I have been doing some adwords testing (bidding very low on the content network). I got 90,749 impressions but only 4 clicks? That's not even a CTR of .05%!

I am an extreme newbie so I really need to know what's up.. Is it a technical issue or the ads? Are both networks supposed to be enabled (because I had search on for a while and somehow even with the low bid, 27 impressions slipped through and I got 1 click, which makes me think the ads aren't that bad). The test has been running 48 horus now. I has expecting (hopping) to convert at least 1% of impressions to clicks.

Please help!:anon.sml:


Are you doing affiliate marketing or arbi or ...?

And is it keyword or site-targeted based?

Could be your ad copy, could be your niche. Some niches just won't do very well on the content network. Are you split testing ads? I was able to bring one of mine from .05% to .2% CTR by split testing different ads over a few weeks.

Oh, and in general don't run seach and content on the same campaign.
What's your average position? if you're too low, you may be ending up in the bottom ads, like the ones in the footer or the bottom of the sidebar which some people never see.

In the content network, I try to get to at least #3 as much as possible.
you need to provide A LOT more info about your campaign in order for us to help you..there are a TON of things that you might be doing wrong, or not doing at all but its hard if not impossible to see what is wrong with it with such general info..
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