800 number

I use RingCentral.

Pros: It does what I want it to do, you get an 800 number and also a toll-free internet fax number which has worked well for me (eliminates the need for a fax machine). You can design menus and so on, they provide on-hold music for you, etc. Good for redirecting calls.

Cons: It's $32/month which I hear isn't the cheapest. I'm considering dumping mine in favor of a skype in number, which is where it was getting redirected to anyway.

Not sure on this one, but legally I think you have to notify the other party on the call that you are recording them. Keep that in mind if you're going to do recordings.

Every state is either a one party state or a two party state. If you're in a one party state, record away. You're one party and you give permission to yourself to record away. If you're in a two party state, don't even fuck around.