80 bookmarks for $10 Page Rank 3 to 9

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New member
Sep 18, 2009
Rating - 100%
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Manual bookmarking for your website or blog on 80 websites which have the page rank of 3 to 9,
The price is only $10.

Only 5 bookmarks per account,

Order above 3 websites and have control on your bookmarks(the bookmark login names and passwords will be give to you)

We have 22 Page Rank 3,

20 Page Rank 4,

15 Page Rank 5,

10 Page Rank 6,

7 Page Rank 7,

7 Page Rank 8,

And 1 Page Rank 9 websites in our database.

Please send the $10 to syedakramforpayments@gmail.com through Paypal and,

PM me,

1)Your Paypal Email address through which you send the money,

2)Website Or Blog URL,

3)Title for bookmark upto 3,

4)Description for bookmark upto 3,

5)Keywords upto 5,

6)Category suggestions for your website And,

7)The email address to which the report should be send.

If you have any questions you can PM me.

Here's my review:

syedakram1989 delivered as promised and on time. Report is well structured (PR of each bookmarking site) and he even added an additional 15 links for free.

Only the varying of the keywords could have been done better, it was like one keyword was used in 75% of the cases. Unfortunately it wasn't the keyword I really wanted to push. So that's my suggestion for improvment, varying the keywords more evenly.

Beside that I think the OP is very professional and delivers. You can't beat the price. Recommended.
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