Home | Pinball Publisher Network
Pinball pay per install. Yeah that's a referral link, I'd appreciate it if you used it. There are other PPI programs out there and pinball is the best one as far as I know. I have a site that is all kids, check the site stats, demo stats, and my earnings to see what is possible. Keep in mind this is only a few thousand unique visits a day. Sure there are probably some people that do better but it seems pretty good to me. Kid traffic isn't all that bad if you know what the heck you are doing and hopefully this proves it a bit. Whatever they are there to get, make them install the PPI software to get it. Same as those content unlockers but I feel this performs a lot better in my experience. There's a good reason you see those playpickle game ads Everywhere, kids install whatever you ask them to.
month is only half over so far. They only really pay for installs in tier 1 countries like US, UK, CAN and I get a lot of foreign traffic to so that is why the installs are so high and the payout seems so low.
Signed up though your ref. link.
Do you simply add a banner to your site, or do you use a content locker? Make them download the toolbar, and then show them whatever they're looking for?