7search.com - how many keywords do you campaign with?

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Jul 12, 2006
Michigan, USA
I am currently targeting the yoga scene, and I just got off the phone with them to verify my credit card, and have been looking but have had no clicks yet from them. Not sure if this is normal for the timeframe I am currently in (an hour or so after they verify the account). I am targeting around 10-15 keywords, should I be doing more?

- Robert DeVore

How many searches are those keywords getting? I personally prefer searchfeed, but have also used 7search and neither of them deliver the amount of traffic you'd expect even from holding the #1 bid on some pretty popular keywords.

So I'd say yes, build a larger keyword list... and try to get a hold of some that get a good amount of searches... most of them can still be had for cheap.
Wow they are answering phones now. Didn't return my call from yesterday, I'll call now.
Wow they answered, I'm all good to go now. We'll see what their traffic is like.
7search & searchfeed rely a lot on their affiliate network (search spammers) for traffic. figuring out which keywords are being spammed is how you'll get a lot of traffic.
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