7/26/12 - Obama signs negro nonsense..

Whatever, Barry can create whatever executive orders he wants, it doesn't change the fact that being a white male in America is pretty fucking awesome.

I'm a white American man of above average intelligence, things are pretty fucking easy for me. I carry no white liberal guilt at all, but I have to admit that I can't imagine what it's like to be a black woman of average intelligence. I'm guessing it sucks compared to the deferential treatment I receive from the majority of people.

And yeah, public school sucks, so who the fuck cares? It's for peasants anyway. I am so anti-school that I'm not even going to get into it, but my main motivation for making money is so I can have a bunch of kids and not have to send any of them to school, unless some of them *really* want to go to private school.

Straw man. you dont vote.. you vote for obama. Thats the bottom line.... but your going to make one in nov if you vote or not.

Ron Paul is not the nominee, Rand Paul is not the nominee. If they were i would vote for them over obama... and tell others to vote for them also... but there not..

so we know what the 2 choices are.

If you dont vote.. its for obama.... sorry.. it is...

If the ron paul supporters built a coalition with the tea party we could shrink the gov... but its too much to ask i know.. the tea party with Ron Paul supporters... so maybe you all will enjoy 4+ more years of obama...

then another 10+ years just cleaning up the mess.
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First, I wouldn't trust that racist nutjob author, and Examiner.com isn't an objective news source.

And what is exactly wrong with trying to help the underprivileged? It would be better if the program was targeted socioeconomically rather than racially, but given the statistics that blacks and hispanics are under-performing their white counterparts academically, why not institute the program? You can obviously focus on the "racist" issue of it addressing primarily black schools, or you can focus on the goal of helping disadvantaged youths obtain higher academic achievement, likely leading to a better quality of life down the road.
why every body talk bad about blacks/whites.every body is equal.Blacks dont have privileges as much as whites and whites have everything.so blacks need some support to come up in life
First, I wouldn't trust that racist nutjob author, and Examiner.com isn't an objective news source.

And what is exactly wrong with trying to help the underprivileged? It would be better if the program was targeted socioeconomically rather than racially, but given the statistics that blacks and hispanics are under-performing their white counterparts academically, why not institute the program? You can obviously focus on the "racist" issue of it addressing primarily black schools, or you can focus on the goal of helping disadvantaged youths obtain higher academic achievement, likely leading to a better quality of life down the road.

Why are they disadvantaged at school? You act like they don't receive the same attention as other kids. All these black kids have to do is show up on time without a weapon in their pocket, pay attention, and not cause trouble.

You don't need special privileges to do that.
First, I wouldn't trust that racist nutjob author, and Examiner.com isn't an objective news source.

And what is exactly wrong with trying to help the underprivileged? It would be better if the program was targeted socioeconomically rather than racially, but given the statistics that blacks and hispanics are under-performing their white counterparts academically, why not institute the program? You can obviously focus on the "racist" issue of it addressing primarily black schools, or you can focus on the goal of helping disadvantaged youths obtain higher academic achievement, likely leading to a better quality of life down the road.
First, I wouldn't trust that racist nutjob author, and Examiner.com isn't an objective news source.

And what is exactly wrong with trying to help the underprivileged? It would be better if the program was targeted socioeconomically rather than racially, but given the statistics that blacks and hispanics are under-performing their white counterparts academically, why not institute the program? You can obviously focus on the "racist" issue of it addressing primarily black schools, or you can focus on the goal of helping disadvantaged youths obtain higher academic achievement, likely leading to a better quality of life down the road.

How do I know you're a peasent?

This kind of argument is only ever made by unsuccessful people.

Fuck it, it's very hard to not become a racist these days with so many whining, ghetto people.
Obama doesn't think black kids are capable of competing with white kids on a level playing field? He is half black, why the self-hatred? If it were a program targeted at poor kids, shouldn't it focus on whites, since they make up the majority of poor people in your country?

You guys are suckers.


Don't worry, we're done with Obama.
First, I wouldn't trust that racist nutjob author, and Examiner.com isn't an objective news source.

And what is exactly wrong with trying to help the underprivileged? It would be better if the program was targeted socioeconomically rather than racially, but given the statistics that blacks and hispanics are under-performing their white counterparts academically, why not institute the program? You can obviously focus on the "racist" issue of it addressing primarily black schools, or you can focus on the goal of helping disadvantaged youths obtain higher academic achievement, likely leading to a better quality of life down the road.

At what point and time will they have "successfully completed their mission"? I mean all I see if fucking black college funds, schools, networks on television, holidays, months" - not to mention the fuhrer himself is now black. At this point it's straight up racism and nothing more (against all those whom are not black).

why every body talk bad about blacks/whites.every body is equal.Blacks dont have privileges as much as whites and whites have everything.so blacks need some support to come up in life

gtfo. We're not all created equal.

Obama doesn't think black kids are capable of competing with white kids on a level playing field? He is half black, why the self-hatred? If it were a program targeted at poor kids, shouldn't it focus on whites, since they make up the majority of poor people in your country?

You guys are suckers.


Don't worry, we're done with Obama.

A twisted mormon giving up his faith in Christ to rub elbows with athiest jews. Not surprised. I somehow hope no one wins, but everyone equally loses in this years election. Ron paul, myself or gtfo for president.
So a black child born into poverty, possibly living with one parent and multiple other siblings, with no influences urging them to pursue further education, should be successful why?

Have any of you heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? If a human being struggles to fulfill the first two levels, how is it possible for them to succeed on more complex matters like education?

It shouldn't be a race issue, because it is a socioeconomic issue. If you have $1,000,000 to start, it is going to be easier to make $100,000. If you have $0, it will be harder to make $100,000. The same principle can apply to children. Which child will be more likely to be successful: the one who goes to expensive private schools, has private tutors, and is pushed by their parents, or the child with a single parent with little education themselves and attends an inner city school served by apathetic or inexperienced teachers? (Hint: If you don't see that the system is tilted, then maybe you should stop eating lead paint.) The program Obama is instituting MAY pay off in the long run, if it provides the opportunity for potential welfare recipients or criminals to choose a different path, the problem is that it will take 2-3 generations to see if it is successful.

I volunteered in public schools in New Orleans, and seen first hand some of the issues with the education system. It isn't that the kids were bad, it seemed like the biggest issue was parents didn't take a large enough role in their child's education. There needs to be a cultural shift to place greater emphasis on education.

Contrastingly, I attended a college full of wealthy white kids who believed that anyone could go to college, disregarding the responsibilities of having to work an $8-10/hr job to pay rent, buy food, and pay for public transportation each month. Yes, you may have had to do it during school, and a lot of people have, but they also probably had expectations that a college education would lead to better opportunities after college from members of their family or circle of influence.

For the record: I am against Affirmative action, and the EEAA does seem to be incredibly preferential, it should NOT be just for black students, it should be for all disadvantaged students. America already spends so much money on other useless programs like farm subsidies, bailing out banks, and meddling in the middle east, why not help out American children who actually need help?

If I'm getting trolled, then oh well, but the system in America is broken, working hard doesn't guarantee even moderate success anymore. Angle shooting and deception are the easiest ways to get ahead in America now.
There needs to be a cultural shift to place greater emphasis on education.
Impossible. The state compromises the ability of parents to educate their children through compulsory imprisonment and the welfare state (creating single parent homes).

What people like Dresden don't know (could fill a library tbh) is that when you control for single parent families, black kids are just about as bad as white kids. The issue isn't largely race, but instead the quality of the upbringing and environment these children are in. Blacks were much further ahead socially 50 years ago, before LBJs Great Society nonsense which destroyed the black family.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKci3_cmlqI"]John Taylor Gatto: Schooling is not Education - Part 1- YouTube[/ame]
Impossible. The state compromises the ability of parents to educate their children through compulsory imprisonment and the welfare state (creating single parent homes).

What people like Dresden don't know (could fill a library tbh) is that when you control for single parent families, black kids are just about as bad as white kids. The issue isn't largely race, but instead the quality of the upbringing and environment these children are in. Blacks were much further ahead socially 50 years ago, before LBJs Great Society nonsense which destroyed the black family.

Ah yes, the old is intelligence inherited or not.
Honestly if I were the same person but black or a wigger, I would have been fucked at so many points in my life.

I've been:
-interrogated by cops with cocaine in my pocket, friend I was with was arrested.
-stopped while smoking a joint and driving (multiple times)
-stopped by border patrol with illegal aliens(russian chicks)
-escaped from sting with underage kids asking me to buy them tobacco, after I did.
-stopped while going 84 in a 35 (I was 16 and dumb) and a joint fell out of my wallet the cop didn't see, since it was near a 55mph zone and I handled myself well, he gave me a 74 in a 55(19mph over because it was worse over 20mph).
-police let me park my truck and walk home after admitting to 2 beers when pulled over for a headlight out, I pulled off the road onto private property(gas station) when I was stopped, cops were pissed I pulled off the road, searched it, gave field test, blow test, accused me of marijuana cause I had a cigar, I had a bowl in my pocket I was smoking just before being pulled over. They searched the truck but not me as well.

But it's not necessarily a white thing either. My cousin who looks like me grew up around hoodlums and wears stupid clothes, talks like an idiot, etc and he couldn't even get into the navy cause he was caught with herb 3x in illegal searches when we were younger.

Honestly I think "black culture" is pretty fucked, but not black people. BET and stupid fucking role models glorifying thuggery and easy money, mixed with lack of parenting or shitty parents. Throw in a cannabis possession charge to kick any education loans/grants you could have had.

But go to an airport and tell me you don't see successful black people in suits just like any other race. I don't think we're more capable at intelligence than any other race, just many people don't put in the leg work to make shit happen for themselves for a number of reasons including upbringing, education, parenting.

We don't need affirmative action type shit though. It's bullshit.
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