$5 - 400 word articles

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My review

I had some issues with people over here. I will not spend my time writing 2 or 7 articles for free for people who are not even going to write me a review. That would be silly.

No, I'm not picky or greedy, but I've got a few reviews over here good enough in order to start working. I'm looking for honest buyers who respect my work and are ready to pay decent money for good content.


Exactly, but you should have clarified this earlier, as I thought I would get 7 copies for free :)
So Mark wrote me 7 articles (but sent only 2 to me, the remaining 5 I had to pay for) on dating. Quite good quality, but I would perhaps say he is not a native speaker due to the fact that there were few errors with prepositions like; of, at. At the same time, he made another error in saying 'Women love it when men have initiative'. Ideally, it should be 'take' initiative. Another sentence read, 'Furthermore, the smoke may disturb her and make her feel unpleasantly'. You can see the error here ;)

But in all I did like the work, but would not pay $5 for 400 words where such mistakes happen, more like $1 per 100 words. (Just my 2 cents) Perhaps Mark was overburdened with many reviews and so never had the time to write well or recheck the articles.
In short, I would like to use this service again if he could come down to $1 per word or 90 cents.

No offence Mark, just an honest review.

Thanks for your honest review.

I know I made some mistakes (I know I don't have any apology for them) and I will check and re-check so it will not happen again.

For those who don't think $5 for 400 words is a good price (altough quality is going to be improved as I am free now) they can take bulk orders, which are cheaper. Of course, with better quality.

I am going to offer 2 free reviews to anybody if they like to test my service and use it in the future. Of course, you could mention my articles are UNIQUE and PASS COPYSCAPE, as that's very important too.

Hello guys!

As you see, I already got some reviews. Not bad at all, not perfect, but I'll improve over time. As I already got a big order (that $1000 package), but I don't know if the buyer will get it.

Here is what I offer this week, as I have free time:

1. 100 articles - $400 - (put your name here)
2. 100 articles - $400 - (put your name here)

Or, if someone has a bigger order:

1. 300 articles - $1000 - (put your name here)
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