4th of July thread - whatta fucks doing?


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
I'll start, going to the river tomorrow for a week. The casinos allow fireworks 365 so ill be droppin $$$ and having a shitload of fun. For those of you in our communist, liberal pos country - whatya doing?

There've been some fireworks randomly in the neighborhood and we're trying to get our daughter (2.5 yrs) to warm up to them so we can go see a real fireworks show without her freaking out.
Home of the free, land of the brave!





I like dwight's idea. Gotta love socal on the 4th, usually I'd hitup newport or huntington on the # streets with my friends but fuck it - laughlin this time. Aren't you in costa mexico dwight?
Since 4th falls on a wednesday this week - and I can't fuck up my weekday routine, I partied this weekend.

I spent a large amount of time at the beach, heavily intoxicated, talking about how much money I make and how good I look.
yeah despite it falling on a wednesday, im still taking off the entire week which is gay but fuck it - i don't care. hopefully I don't get no chargebacks >:-/
This what I'm doin'.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6uecmg8bcQ]Motherfucking Bootleg Fireworks - Subtitled Version - YouTube[/ame]
Gonna spend the day in my moms basement adding nothing of value to Wicked Fire, browsing porn, eating those doritos tacos from taco bell, and drinking mad mt. dew. Top that!


Dude, ROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLR.... at 39 (sad face), baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahah ahahahahhahahahahahhahaha. Fucking funniest video of all time. Cant count how many moytars went sideways on me like this, but I never had a finalie type moytar go off having so many shots. I almost lost an eye once (couldnt see for several hours due to one of those moytars poppin off sideways).

Vote for best video of all time