400 word articles - cheap - $2.5

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This guy is fast, I ordered an 800 word article and got it in my mailbox the same day. The article does contain some minor spelling mistakes, but nothing which can't be fixed in a couple of minutes. I won't be using them on a money site, but well you can't really expect money site articles at a price of $2,50 per 400 words.

He also did a great job in using different synonyms of my main keyword. :)

Overall, for the current price, this is a great deal! They are both cheaper and way better than most 1$/100 words articles I've seen. Recommended.

Hi @dtea206, just sent you a private message.

Still waiting for BULK orders. Happy to take tons of articles!

Thanks a lot @bingoo.
Thanks a lot @dtea206.

Waiting for more orders.

Just a notice - I love to create BMR (150 word articles) too.

Thanks a lot community!
Did 4 articles for me. Turnaround was within a good timeframe. Impressed by the article quality. I only had to make minor iterations but otherwise 95% of it was untouched. I recommend his service.
Thanks a lot @Lavish for your honest review.

Thanks a lot community. Waiting for more BULK orders or BMR orders (150 words).

Thanks a lot for your order.

Got everything. If anyone else is interested to order, feel free to PM me.

Thanks community!
Thanks a lot @FlatLine.

You should already have an email from me with turnaround/delivery details/etc.

If anyone else is interested, I am here.

Thanks a lot community!

Very impressive service. I ordered 100 BMR snippets from Cramy last week. Delivered very fast and the quality was good. Not top notch by any means but very very good quality for the cheap price. So far, none have been rejected by BMR, which is a great sign.

I already placed another order and plan to give this guy a lot of work.
Thanks a lot for your honest review @dinger.

Thanks for your order @sublimedrive.

If anyone else is interested, just let me know! BULK orders accepted. BMR articles accepted too!

Thanks all!
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