31 Interesting Questions

Most of those questions will work themselves out. The older you get the more you realize that all of the doom and gloom is a bunch of crap. You can go back to any day in history and make a similar set of questions.

Yes, even for the financial crisis. The S&L crisis nearly shut down the world economy too and the same players that made billions cleaning up that mess are making billions cleaning up this mess.

@BlokBlok. Get a grip. We could produce enough food to feed the world many times over if we wanted. There is so much vacant unused land and natural resources on this earth. We are no where near capacity.

It is funny though, if one were inclined to think the questions were difficult to answer (which they are not) that the thread immediately got sidetracked into a discussion of a porn actress. If I thought the questions were reflective and deep, I could point to that as an indication why the world is so screwed.

I've never seen a film with anything as graphic as the picture I posted. (although A Srpski Film comes close) What films were you thinking of?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZgKo46X8CI]YouTube - ‪Saving Private Ryan - Omaha Beach Part 1 - HD‬‏[/ame]&feature=player_embedded

@ 6:49 was one of the first things that came to mind.

And that's probably not the worst. We see shit like this from a young age.

Admittedly, that pic you posted is gruesome, but I don't think it's that much more intense than stuff most kids see starting at a young age.
YouTube - ‪Saving Private Ryan - Omaha Beach Part 1 - HD‬‏&feature=player_embedded

@ 6:49 was one of the first things that came to mind.

And that's probably not the worst. We see shit like this from a young age.

Admittedly, that pic you posted is gruesome, but I don't think it's that much more intense than stuff most kids see starting at a young age.

The difference is one is fake and one is real.

I have never forgotten each and every picture I have seen that were real photographs of gunshot to the head deaths.

I have forgotten most every gruesome scene I have scene that was not real (video games, movies, you name it)

Children and adults know the difference between what is real and what is fake. The real stuff can stick with you and alter your life going forward.
^REIMktg is kinda right on this (& just this) point.

I remember the Daniel Pearl Execution film very, very clearly. It's stuck in my noodle and refusing to come out, especially whenever I'm shaving my throat.

That clip above just doesn't look real to me. I look at it and wonder if the intestines are made out of pigs' bladder or plastic wrap... No emotional scarring whatsoever.

But I fully disagree with his Carrying capacity feelings. -We're pretty much almost out of room now. No it's not quite armageddon in our lifetimes that we're facing because the side effects start small and build from here on out.

Side effects like increasing storm damage, sea level rise, increased extintions, groudwater sources dwindling, and even a few biggies like fish populations RAPIDLY dwindling & the great dead patch in the Gulf that you could fit Texas in.

Give these symptoms a little more time without rectification and you'll be really sorry. Both the burdon of too many people AND the increased carbon dioxide we've put into the system help accelerate all of these problems and more.
The difference is one is fake and one is real.

I have never forgotten each and every picture I have seen that were real photographs of gunshot to the head deaths.

I have forgotten most every gruesome scene I have scene that was not real (video games, movies, you name it)

Children and adults know the difference between what is real and what is fake. The real stuff can stick with you and alter your life going forward.

^REIMktg is kinda right on this (& just this) point.

I remember the Daniel Pearl Execution film very, very clearly. It's stuck in my noodle and refusing to come out, especially whenever I'm shaving my throat.

That clip above just doesn't look real to me. I look at it and wonder if the intestines are made out of pigs' bladder or plastic wrap... No emotional scarring whatsoever.

IDK, I've seen brutal shooting videos, beheadings, hangings, etc, but that scene stands out in my mind above everything else I've seen. I know it's fake, but it didn't stop me from cringing when I saw it for the first time (sometime in high school) or from staying fresh in my mind. Probably because even though I know it's fake, I know that it's based on things that really happened. If we were comparing a Nightmare on Elmstreet vs. real images it's a bit different, because it's so fake it's almost funny.
@BlokBlok. Get a grip. We could produce enough food to feed the world many times over if we wanted. There is so much vacant unused land and natural resources on this earth. We are no where near capacity.

If everyone on earth consumed the same amount of resources as the average american then the estimated maximum human capacity on earth would be 2 billion. With estimates of human population going up to 9 billion by 2020 and China's population becoming wealthier and creating a middle class, yes we have an issue.
If everyone on earth consumed the same amount of resources as the average american then the estimated maximum human capacity on earth would be 2 billion. With estimates of human population going up to 9 billion by 2020 and China's population becoming wealthier and creating a middle class, yes we have an issue.

source please. sorry, unbiased source please.

The claims such as the above that I have seen, seem to be presuming that humans are too dumb to adapt and make technological advances during this growth.

1. Unlimited energy from sun, wind, even wave motion from the ocean.
2. Food technology is so advanced (and will advance even more) we could easily feed everyone.
3. You have to assume we will figure out how to re-cycle everything, and more than one time, there are daily advancements in this.
4. There are many ore points but you get the.... point.
source please. sorry, unbiased source please.

The claims such as the above that I have seen, seem to be presuming that humans are too dumb to adapt and make technological advances during this growth.

1. Unlimited energy from sun, wind, even wave motion from the ocean.
2. Food technology is so advanced (and will advance even more) we could easily feed everyone.
3. You have to assume we will figure out how to re-cycle everything, and more than one time, there are daily advancements in this.
4. There are many ore points but you get the.... point.

No I dont think you understand. I agree with you. You pointed out that this can be solved by cleaner power and more efficient technology, I agree. I was just pointing out that something actually needs to be done to put the technology in place, then we will be fine. Someone has to take the responsibility of doing something because if it's just passed onto the next person nothing would get done. We need government's to put a bit more effort into this. Important point here is that we're fine, as long as we advance.

A source:
HowStuffWorks "What's the Earth's Carrying Capacity?"
#1 CNN is reporting that the clearest death picture of Osama Bin Laden "is so gruesome and mangled" that authorities believe it is not appropriate for the public. But the truth is that Hollywood movies show much worse every single day. What possible justification could there possibly be for not showing us all the video and all the pictures that they say that they have?

Thats News :D