29 years old, 21 kids, 11 different women

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He earns minimum wage. He probably spends all his money on condoms and once he's broke, he just goes on without 'em. :bootyshake:


That's 21 children who are going to grow up in difficult households without a father figure, leaving them emotionally and developmentally stunted. They'll in turn perpetuate the cycle, probably turning to a life of irresponsibility and hedonism just like this retard did. And all because this tool wanted to go bareback and impregnate some woman. Don't think its an accident. In many places of African-American culture, it is a badge of honor to impregnate multiple females with your offspring. He wanted to do this and didn't give a fuck how it would affect the kids.

This guy SHOULD be castrated.
That's 21 children who are going to grow up in difficult households without a father figure, leaving them emotionally and developmentally stunted. They'll in turn perpetuate the cycle, probably turning to a life of irresponsibility and hedonism just like this retard did. And all because this tool wanted to go bareback and impregnate some woman. Don't think its an accident. In many places of African-American culture, it is a badge of honor to impregnate multiple females with your offspring. He wanted to do this and didn't give a fuck how it would affect the kids.

This guy SHOULD be castrated.

He has successfully secured his gene in the gene pool, survival of the fittest.
if this were happening in China, the government there would jail him or make chop suey out of his nuts. Goes to show what too much freedom means for some people.

This guy has no prospects and nothing much going on in his life, aside from his reproduction. Perhaps he could do a spot on Octomom's new reality show?
Even on minimum wage you can afford condoms. 21 kids goes beyond stupidity, that shit had to be intentional.

Chemically castrate him.
all the qualities the guy has definitely don't add up to intelligence, thats for sure
Hell it's a less than one hour outpatient operation to get tied :) --

Day or so with a bag of frozen peas and you feel fine.
if this were happening in China, the government there would jail him or make chop suey out of his nuts. Goes to show what too much freedom means for some people.

This guy has no prospects and nothing much going on in his life, aside from his reproduction. Perhaps he could do a spot on Octomom's new reality show?

eh, if this were China, he'd likely be executed along with every child after his first.
Aren´t these the things you gonna nail on doors, so they´re holding back all the evil ghosts?

Naw you're thinking of a tampon. A condom is that one-size-fit-all crap receptacle if you need to take a shit on the go and can't find any restroom or trashcan. The label suggests super glue around the anus to keep any of it from falling out of the condom.
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