24 hour Lightning Round

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SEO questions... hmmmm... what's the easiest way to build trusted links that don't make you look like you're linkbuilding to the SE's?
Goodluck with this one.. The lightning round usually means that questions come quickly and you answer them right away.
Ha, yeah... he seem to really be on top of this one! Blogs are old school... everybody start their own "Lightning Round"!!!!
Dude, don't go starting a "SEO Lightning Round" when you don't know what you're talking about.

sixty6 said:
Now if you want to rank in Google, keywords will definitely help out a lot more than the meta tags or title tags.
Keywords where?
However, Google is starting to find ways to figure out people using Keyword Spamming, so I would stick to the low 2% for the moment. This is because people took advantage of this using Cloaking (or IP Delivery) and displaying hidden text.
If you notice that you are ranking for the keywords, it means Google probably hasn't penalized you yet...
Yeah, if you're ranking and have over 2% keyword density, google hasn't found out yet... okey.
...but if you are not ranking as high as you want, try using minimal increments of adding more keywords (minimal meaning around 0.05% at the MAX) but be very careful with this.
Bitch please, nobody should waste their god damn time raising their keyword density by 0.05%. So if you have 300 page article, you should add .15 keywords, wait 'till google recrawls your page, add another .15 keywords, and repeat until your rankings improve? Riiiiiiiight.
If you notice your ranking dropping, it means that Google probably found out (if it's just one position, it might just be a competitor).
Yeah, wouldn't want google to slap the .05% keyword density increase penanilty on ya!
Hope that helps (I haven't had much experience with Yahoo!, but I believe that it works a bit more similar to MSN than Google, and META Tags and Title Tags should do it, but Yahoo! seems to be in the middle for me..I haven't figured out their algorithm that well yet..)
Keep workin' on it man, I'm sure you'll get Yahoo's algo pegged just as well as you've got MSN & G in your back pocket.

People, don't waste your time trying to tweak your keyword density... go build some god damn links.
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I would say that kyleirwin laid down the "welcome to wickedfire bitch" post :)
I'm not going to waste my time picking apart your post... but before you start a "Lightning Round"... get your shit together. KW density hasen't ment shit for the last 2-3 years, 2%... 10%... dosen't fucking matter if it comes naturally in the writing and if the site is trusted. 300 word articles rank (and convert) just fine if they've got the right links pointing to them or are on the right domain... just like a 2k word article. On-page factors matter less in SEO right now then they ever had... keyword density and meta keywords tags being at the bottom of the list of onpage factors that actually do anything.
sixty6 said:
In your content where else?
Title tag, header tags, meta keyword tag, meta description tag, your mom?
Here is what Robert asked:
Robert said:
Also, what is a good amount of keywords to be placed in content (2-3%)
I read it from the fact that he wanted me to choose between 2% or 3%, it's always better safe than sorry.
No, your reading comprehension is a bit off. I'm pretty sure if he was asking if 2 to 3 percent was a good number. Not to pick somewhere in between 2 and 3 percent. That's even more retarded than worrying about KD in the first place.

Even if it was the case that he was wondering where inbetween 2 and 3 percent KD he should be at, you should have told him that KD is bullshit if you knew anything about what you're talking about.
If it's an established site earning tons of traffic from Google, would you throw it all away just to get even more by keyword placement?
If you're already killing it in google, then you don't fuck with stupid things like KD.
If it's a new site and you don't care, go ahead and try 5-10% for all I care, I just don't want to be responsible for your site getting penalized and he gets angry at me.
You're missing the fucking point. Keyword density doesn't fucking matter anymore!
kyleirwin said:
Yeah, if you're ranking and have over 2% keyword density, google hasn't found out yet... okey.
Isn't that true? If you are ranking for a keyword with over 2% keyword density, doesn't that mean you're safe, or is that their way of punishing you?
So if they do actually find out you're doing Keyword spamming, they're going to put you in top rankings as a penalty by your logic?
Uh, what? You're bouncing all over the place. No my original statement is in no way true. You can have over 2% keyword density and not have any problems. Over 2% is not "keyword spamming"... what the fuck are you talking about?
Why would you want a 300-word article to rank anyway? You should try and make a 1,000 word article try and rank for keywords.
Because 300 word articles are cheaper to get written (or quicker to write), and also leave the user wanting more (so they click ads in search of more information). Whether you have a 300 or 1,000 word article isn't going to be the deciding factor of your placement in your SERPS. ... and just to be clear, KD isn't gonna be it either.
Also, 300*5% isn't 0.15 keywords - it's 15 keywords. In addition to that, you should build up at least maybe 30 words or so of content when you're adding the 15 words to your article or landing page.
you didn't say say 5%, you said...
fucktard said:
minimal meaning around 0.05% at the MAX
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