2012: Total Win!

Complete and total suspension of disbelief. You guys should try it sometimes.

On that note, if you go into the movie with that attitude, understand that acting is not that great and the one liners will make you roll your eyes, the rest is pretty sweet. I was tense the entire movie and that's what I was there for, that and to watch the world burn.

Complete and total suspension of disbelief. You guys should try it sometimes.

On that note, if you go into the movie with that attitude, understand that acting is not that great and the one liners will make you roll your eyes, the rest is pretty sweet. I was tense the entire movie and that's what I was there for, that and to watch the world burn.

I read that post before I watched the movie and it's actually way easier said then done. I had to concentrate really really hard but I still kinda failed.
good special effects, but otherwise total science fiction and unbelievable action.
Thank Christ I didn't waste the drive to cinema to see this torrent of excrement. I just finished watching it and I want my 2.5 hrs back. + an extra 10 minutes for time it will take to email the producer and demand compensation for the cost of the bandwidth I wasted illegally downloading it.
Thank Christ I didn't waste the drive to cinema to see this torrent of excrement. I just finished watching it and I want my 2.5 hrs back. + an extra 10 minutes for time it will take to email the producer and demand compensation for the cost of the bandwidth I wasted illegally downloading it.
2 months old moron, 2 months.....