$200 to spend on what software?


Oct 5, 2010
so....like the title says i have about $150-$200 to spend....what is the essential, bare minimum software i should buy? i was thinking scrapebox or xrumor and market samurai?

advice? thx

Advice? Don't buy any of it. Not until you actual need it.

Software like scrapebox are shortcuts. There is NOTHING wrong with shortcuts if you know what you're doing, but jumping from A to N without learning all the steps in between is foolish and will make you a poor marketer.

Take Scrapebox. You'll be a lot more successful with it if you've done a lot of blog commenting by hand because you'll quickly learn how to sneak your links into your comments and how to write comments that will get approved. Those skills make scrapebox worthwhile because it can take that skill you've honed and do it on a scale you cannot replicate by hand.

Hold off on the software and take that money and plow it into domains, hosting, or something like that.
get scrapebox by searching "scrapebox" "cheapskate" in google. I think it is definitely worth it!

Also if you don't have a lot of money then sick submitter is a decent choice to start out with. It is only 12/month if you buy through backlinksforums thread.

I would also consider article marketing robot, it is a one time price and it is definitely worth the money.
You should not BUY A SOFTware , untill you are not aware that , why do you need that software .
I have seen hundred of people , who juse buy softwares and think like they will be rich now .
A software is not great because the software is great , the software is great because its user is .

You should make some web2.0 blog and article site link wheels and forum profile wheels and should do bookmarking and rss feeding , untilll , you dont make some decent $ .

Once you are enough experienced with web2.0 , forum wheels,blog commenting,bookmarking and rss feeding
go for
[1] Market samurai - dont buy it , PM me , will give you latest crack of it.
[2]TheBestSpinner-->Best to buy
[3]sick submitter-->to make profile wheels and rss feed and bookmarking
and do web2.0 submisions yourself :D
no other software needed
you will be needed to bear some proxy and captcha cost also.;
good luck .
you could just pay pal it to me if you want, then I'll tell you things like

"having the keyword for a domain name helps"


"wordpress r teh sex"
IMHO you dont need the spend a dime to get off the ground. Software alone doesnt make it that much easier for you.
Scrape box ($57) - if you use scrapebox.com/bhw

Micro Niche Finder ($97) - Well worth the fucking money. Keyword research tool without the monthly fee, plus they update their software like crazy.

Aweber ($20 per month) - autoresponder. Build a list, sling offers.
ok, so...scrapebox is a win obviously.

now its either...the best spinner or micro niche finder. i realize they are different types of software but if i can get the cracked market samurai or, there is another free program called traffic travis, then i could pay for the best spinner and have my bases covered so to speak.

am i thinking about this wrong?

can micro niche finder offer more than traffic travis (have found reviews saying its competitive w market samurai)?

thx for all the suggestions
traffic travis ????
In keyword research , only 2 softwares win the world .
[1] Micro niche finder
and [2]market samurai.
:D traffic travis sucks :D
today some1 told me about a website senuke.biz
senuke comes for 127 $ a month but senuke.biz offers it for 10 $ a week , that is 40 $ a month and they give it with TheBestSpinner inbuilt...
go for it man .
SEnuke is a very nice software
Scrapebox $57 with the discount is a must. Maybe some keyword research tool, also Article Marketing Robot could be a good idea. Keep the rest of the money to buy some domains or hosting.
If you don't do anything else, drop the $57 for scrapebox. Then spend another $60 or so buying list to post to until you figure out how to harvest url's for yourself. A lot of the really awesome tools and programs are monthly and can really only be recommended if your are seriously building sites and not just dabbling in this. I spend almost a thousand a month for tools, software and programs, but it's because it makes much more money in return per month.
Scrapebox is a must when you get more experienced...
I love Xgen Seo ... in my opinion much better then fucking SeNuke (extremely buggy if you ask me)
Micro Niche Finder is very much still available. The latest version is 5.5.4 and is constantly updated. It had to be re-tooled for a little bit there to go with Googles changes but they have done a nice job of getting it up to par again.
BUT, for your money I recommend Scrapebox, Aweber, and Market Samurai, and also a good hosting service like HostGator.