$200+ Content. Would you buy it?

I don't at all view content as writing or text. I view content as value whether it be distributed as text, video, graphic, audio or whatever else.

Same shit, different medium. I think the "content is king" campaigning brought with it a lot of tunnel vision for an already shortsighted influx of marketers.

But OP, putting out the kind of quality I'm assuming you're trying to offer is exhausting.

The kind of quality that sits at the top 10% is the kind of stuff that makes the author feel like they gave a little bit of themselves away. I wonder how difficult it would be to maintain a marketplace with top tier contributors who haven't already made a business with the help of their compelling content, or aren't snatched up by someone else for a much better payday.

But if one existed, I'd buy.
Content writers are starting to get artist syndrome. There's too many of them. They all think their writing is best. And it's stupid in the first place - you get a copywriter for your main offer pages, and random writer for your filler content so that Gugles thinks you're an awesome content-rich website.

Why would anyone waste 300 bucks an article on filler content? And if you're talking about making salescopy/main offer pages - you use a copywriter. Not a premium article service.

So yeah. This shit is stupid. I can say that because I wrote copy for WFFers 4-5 years ago.

PS - anyone segueing into random points like WELL IM PAYINGZ FOR WHERE DE ARTIKLE IS PLASED. He's not doing that for you. He wants you to spend 300 bucks on regular content. That isn't written by some dipshit Indian. You can get that for the same $3/100 that he was so insulted by. Because that's what regular filler content costs.
Content writers are starting to get artist syndrome. There's too many of them. They all think their writing is best. And it's stupid in the first place - you get a copywriter for your main offer pages, and random writer for your filler content so that Gugles thinks you're an awesome content-rich website.

Why would anyone waste 300 bucks an article on filler content? And if you're talking about making salescopy/main offer pages - you use a copywriter. Not a premium article service.

So yeah. This shit is stupid. I can say that because I wrote copy for WFFers 4-5 years ago.

PS - anyone segueing into random points like WELL IM PAYINGZ FOR WHERE DE ARTIKLE IS PLASED. He's not doing that for you. He wants you to spend 300 bucks on regular content. That isn't written by some dipshit Indian. You can get that for the same $3/100 that he was so insulted by. Because that's what regular filler content costs.

Why would you want "filler" content?

Your attitude towards this content pretty much says it all. It's not for Google, it's to engage your audience, and get them to take a desired action.

Every blog post, article, piece of sales copy, whatever, you publish to your website represents you, and your brand. People share great content, they don't share "filler" content. Great content vastly increases the reach of your website.

If you're building a content farm, sure, it's irrelevant, just chuck up a load of crappy posts, bung in your ads/sales copy landers and hope that idiots will click on your ads after reading the content they've read 4000x before on eHow.

If you want to build a business that differentiates itself on its content, you don't get that for $3/100 words. Can't you see the difference between:

Which Stats Matter: A Definitive Guide to Social Media Metrics



One of them you'd get for $3/100, the other one you would not.
I'm sorry, I didn't know he was targeting the extremely limited amount of people who get content done for their brand business vs the 1000s of pump and dump sites being made weekly to work for 1-3-6months at a time, giving him a lot more chances to get a piece of the pie.

I'm pretty sure these "big brand caring people" already have established writers for their high-quality sites, long time. It was probably the first relationship they made - and these content writers will fight tooth and nail to keep their brand clients. So whatever piece he was going to get - just got even smaller.

Plus I still don't feel that article is worth $300+. $200 maximum because of the purdy pictures and the length. You feel it is - it's individual interpretation of value. You buying the articles to make the brand look good, I rank all day with spun content, different objectives.

Best of luck to OP to find 50 FRESH big brand businesses that don't already have several year relationships with their writers that will start paying him $300-500 an article more than once every 3 months. Mitzuozo is obviously one of your first clients willing to try you out - otherwise he wouldn't blow smoke up your ass for the sake of an argument. He likes your content enough to build his brand with it.
So yeah. This shit is stupid. I can say that because I wrote copy for WFFers 4-5 years ago.
Yeah, so 4-5 years ago is a few lifetimes ago in Google years. Do those bulk articles written for SEO help anymore? I guess they're still okay for MFA sites, and you don't have to pay a lot for those.

If your site represents your company, and you have a section called "Blog," this is where you're communicating your company's message with the clientele. It has to be well written and on-message because it represents the brand.

I can see why the price was a bit rich for the OP, because it's not being written for a high PR article site.
I'm sorry, I didn't know he was targeting the extremely limited amount of people who get content done for their brand business vs the 1000s of pump and dump sites being made weekly to work for 1-3-6months at a time, giving him a lot more chances to get a piece of the pie.

I'm pretty sure these "big brand caring people" already have established writers for their high-quality sites, long time. It was probably the first relationship they made - and these content writers will fight tooth and nail to keep their brand clients. So whatever piece he was going to get - just got even smaller.

Plus I still don't feel that article is worth $300+. $200 maximum because of the purdy pictures and the length. You feel it is - it's individual interpretation of value. You buying the articles to make the brand look good, I rank all day with spun content, different objectives.

Best of luck to OP to find 50 FRESH big brand businesses that don't already have several year relationships with their writers that will start paying him $300-500 an article more than once every 3 months. Mitzuozo is obviously one of your first clients willing to try you out - otherwise he wouldn't blow smoke up your ass for the sake of an argument. He likes your content enough to build his brand with it.

"I'm pretty sure" always gives confidence.

Did you do more than a skim of that article?

It brings together tons of research, try counting the references. It probably took days to write.

You're talking about a world you don't understand.

The reach of some of these brands is huge. When you have millions of eyeballs on your content each month, it needs to be great. These companies aren't media companies, but they're being forced into that world. Many of them therefore outsource content to agencies or external writers, because they can draw on more diverse experience and get a better job done.


Page 17.

Also, I'm not one of his clients or in any way affiliated with the OP. I do sell content in this sort of ballpark range to businesses of varying sizes though.

People that pay $300 for content are trying to achieve very different things to what you are trying to achieve with your limited experience in the "pump and dump" spam world. There is huge demand for content in that price range if you know how to sell it, and actually produce valuable content.
As someone mentioned here earlier, I think the demand is there for writers who can add a "voice". Connect with users and make otherwise complex/mundane topics a blast to read and share with their friends. Because while an article may be top quality in terms of research , information and also grammar/spelling, it doesn't matter if my (the reader's) eyes glaze over the first paragraph and I close the window.

People crave entertainment value in everything. They WANT to share your shit, you just have to give them the incentive to do so. I think there will always be a demand for that and people will always be willing to pay top dollar. Just make sure that instead of marketing it as "well-researched", market your service as helping businesses find a voice that will stand out and connect with their readers. It's the little puns and quips and humor that get readers coming back for more. So if you gather a group of talented writers and market your service well, you could possibly charge even more than 200-400 dollars, and have people lining up.
Me thinks a lot of people in this thread are confusing "content writing" with "copywriting".

"I'm pretty sure" always gives confidence.

Did you do more than a skim of that article?

It brings together tons of research, try counting the references. It probably took days to write.

You're talking about a world you don't understand.

The reach of some of these brands is huge. When you have millions of eyeballs on your content each month, it needs to be great. These companies aren't media companies, but they're being forced into that world. Many of them therefore outsource content to agencies or external writers, because they can draw on more diverse experience and get a better job done.


Page 17.

Also, I'm not one of his clients or in any way affiliated with the OP. I do sell content in this sort of ballpark range to businesses of varying sizes though.

People that pay $300 for content are trying to achieve very different things to what you are trying to achieve with your limited experience in the "pump and dump" spam world. There is huge demand for content in that price range if you know how to sell it, and actually produce valuable content.

Lol, so condescending and bitter for an 'expert in the field'. The more people talk about how much they know - the more narrow their scope of anything else is.

I'll enjoy my sad #1 rankings - you enjoy spending money on your vanity articles.

But if the OP doesn't achieve success because you talked a bunch of fluff without sending him any orders or giving any sort of useful advice on how to obtain these high level brands as clients, limiting your advice to how little I know about branding world and how it works and how little that has to do with the OPs question - owell, you blew smoke up his ass, not me.
Lol, so condescending and bitter for an 'expert in the field'. The more people talk about how much they know - the more narrow their scope of anything else is.

I'll enjoy my sad #1 rankings - you enjoy spending money on your vanity articles.

But if the OP doesn't achieve success because you talked a bunch of fluff without sending him any orders or giving any sort of useful advice on how to obtain these high level brands as clients, limiting your advice to how little I know about branding world and how it works and how little that has to do with the OPs question - owell, you blew smoke up his ass, not me.

If you had more appreciation for content, and specifically its ability to better convert the traffic you generate with your SEO skills, you'd make more money. I practically guarantee it. It's one thing to get to the top of Google, it's another to get the click, have the reader connect with your content, share it with their friends/colleagues and then finally make it to your sales page to have a chance of converting in the first place.

All I'm saying is that the majority of the money spent on content in the world is not spent at the level/rate you think it is. It may well be a reflection of where the average WF user spends its content dollars, but to think that pump 'n' dump content makes up the bulk of the market is pure ignorance.
Op get in touch with me I'll buy an article and post the link here once published so everyone can see the quality

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Yes I would. I pay between $60-$150 now per article (depending on length).

Would anyone here drop $150-$400 on a blog post? If so would you need to see the whole piece or would a sample and reviews be enough?

To monetize directly, no. To add muscle when scaling the support content for a bigger campaign and get that extra 6 weeks out of the creatives, yes.

...and I only do that kind of business with people I've had too much to drink with.