2 keywords domains - dash or no dash

dash or no dash?

  • rockymountains.com

    Votes: 62 96.9%
  • rocky-mountains.com

    Votes: 2 3.1%

  • Total voters


Up 24h/day
Mar 14, 2007
I'm registering a new domain on which I'll try to rank for multiple terms with dedicated content pages.

I'll try to rank with the home page for a term composed by 2 keywords, let's say rocky mountains

do you think it's better rockymountains.com or rocky-mountains.com ?

both .coms are available

Personally I'd go with a third option of capitalizing the first letter of each word...

Personally I'd go with a third option of capitalizing the first letter of each word...


Do you know anything about domains :glowingeyes_sml:

RockyMountains.com = ROCKYmountains.com = ROCKYmouNtains.com is all the same thing genius.

I would go with out the dash simply rockymountains.com I hate dashes, having no dash and with dash is really not going to make a different on SEO.
rockymountains.com obviously, keyword rich + easier to remember.
Get them both, but build the site on the domain without the stupid hyphen.

What he said.

People don't remember, rocky hyphen mountain dot com, but they may remember rocky mountain dot com.

You also don't want people completing against your site by using the hyphenated version.
Google doesn't care about hyphens. If you're not interested in branding your site, hyphens are as good as anything else.

I've managed to get domains with no fewer than five hyphens in the domain into the top 10 for reasonably competitive niches.
You my friend are a retard.

I don't know if you already bought them before you postet this but if not, your a retard.

1) Yes, RockyMountains.com was only an example

2) If you think RockyMountains.com was available before this thread then you're really a retard and haven't purchased a domain before.

To answer your question again. You'll get more authority for the no dash without any doubt (Tested it on 13-15 sites). However, I have noticed that sometimes I will have a higher CTR with the dash included because it is easier to read to the searcher. So, if you can buy them both, do it. Then run the site on the no dash while running any paid ads to the dash and redirect it to the no dash.
Obviously no dash is better, but what about

rocky-mountains.com vs rockymountainsdildorental.com ?

Short and sweet with hyphens, or way too fucking long with no hyphens?
Obviously no dash is better, but what about

rocky-mountains.com vs rockymountainsdildorental.com ?

Short and sweet with hyphens, or way too fucking long with no hyphens?

those are both equally shitty domain names - so neither. spend the money on a good domain.
This thread is so full of stupid it might be one of the funnier things I've read in awhile here.

Personally I'd go with a third option of capitalizing the first letter of each word...



I don't know if you already bought them before you postet this but if not, your a retard.

If you are going to throw the word "retard" around at least learn how to use "your" and "you're". As Dimaseo pointed out, your reading comprehension sucks.

those are both equally shitty domain names - so neither. spend the money on a good domain.

You fail at reading comprehension too. Even though it was already explained to you twice, it was a hypothetical question.

To answer the OP, buy them both, and take the .net/.org versions too, if for no other reason than to keep your competitors from getting their hands on them.