2, 3 years from now...the big question from you.

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My goal is to double my income. At least $1500 profit per day by mid '07. 2 years out... still growing.

joe: what is your current profit based on? A combo of arbi and aff. marketing?

As for me - My goal is to quit my parttime day job by summer '07. By then I hope to have $200-300 in daily profit from both arbi, affiliate sites and some other ideas I have in store. My 2nd goal is to hit $500 a day by 01.01.2008 :)

And to the original question; what is the next big thing? Well for me I am planning on a few cellphone-content related businesses geared towards the European market. I'm also building a video content site that I hope will be very unique and drive mass traffic for some good CPM ad potential :)

but one can dream right?

My real goals are to keep doubling my profits every month and diversify in to different areas other than just arbi and affiliate. I want to get some content sites and wander in to the blackhat stuff a little bit.
My goal is to double my current income by the end of Jan 2007. And then double it again by the end of June.
Jdog said:
nah, he's too busy updating his blog once every 2 months.
It's a hard job

As for me, hit the $400/day barrier by the middle of next year, then get a wall of computer screens that I will never use :)
What are your plans?

Focus on one product series, an asian-themed social community site monetized from adsense and focus on them solely for the next year 2007.

Target is to hit 20gs monthly for both of them by June. :)

I promise not to get distracted by other "opportunities" and of course, contribute my thoughts and ramblings to WF. :)

Let's hear more!

(and for the guy who made my thread icon as "idiot"..thanks f!&*@(#R!) hahaha..
finishing college, getting a good secure job and get my paycheck every week
Rob, lol, wow - you are a webmaster and you want a good secure paycheck? the 2 don't go together. life is about risk, not avoidance. I have to say you sound like my dad, spent 30 years in the Army so he would not have to "make it in the real world" my words not his. I understand the desire for security but do you really want to make someone else rich?
not meaning to be mean or harsh here just see tooooo many people looking for security.
i love the fucking losers who sit at their computers all day and probably get hard giving people neg rep for replying to a post... get a life guys, you really are ruining WF since you sure aren't encouraging people to post more!
Well, for those who don't post in this thread, the majority have obviously no clear sense or direction on where they're headed to.
do you really want to make someone else rich?

Come on now, what do you think affiliate marketing is? You're just making the advertiser rich (assuming you give good leads) and you get your cut. Everywhere you go you will be making other people money.
My goal is to have 1 million at the end of 07 and 5 million at the end of 08. Then i will live in the bahamas full time.
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